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  1. femme2mac

    Remi indian online

    Does anyone know an online site where i can get the best remy hair? Thx
  2. femme2mac

    NYC trip!!!Where do Nyorkers shop?

    I am going to NYC next week-end and it my first time and i dont know places to shop, i am sooo excited! can anyone suggest places, or stores and even websites where i can buy fashionable shoes, clothing inexpensive??please help, i know i can count on you guys. Thx in advance
  3. femme2mac

    Weird question...

    This will sound weird,but i have a funeral to attend and want to know what you guys think about wearing make-up? Is it too much or it depends on what i will be having as make-up. Anyone have any suggestion for eye shadow look for funeral?
  4. femme2mac

    Comprehension on W's versus N's

    What is relative to NW43? I see some NC something in here, and i am thinking, is some NW related to NC's? how does it really work? I really need someone to introduce me in this new world of MAC...pls help! Thanks.
  5. femme2mac

    lipgloss over lisptick

    I'm new to this and i find it fabulous, specialy that i discoverd there is this section here. My question is ; What's you girls find the best combo in terms of lipstick, lipgloss or l/g. What is the best mix that i can do and also wich one is your signature!!! Will be awaiting for replies...