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  1. labellalisa

    My demo experience!!! EEEK! Loooong post!

    I haven't had a chance to post about my demo, but here it is... this took place a week ago.... I arrived with my model, my mom.. .about an hour ahead of schedule. The job fair was located in an office building about an hour north of my city. I wanted to leave with plenty of time ahead since...
  2. labellalisa

    MAC Job Fair question

    I was just wondering, I turned my resume into a Macy's MAC counter... does this mean MAC will only consider you for a Macy's counter or do they include Nordies as well? The job fair is not located in either department store.
  3. labellalisa

    Regional Mgr. just called me, one problem... No Model!

    Hi everyone, I've been reading these posts for a while now, and I too finally found the nerve to turn in my resume to a counter about 2 months ago. On Monday I received a call from the Regional Manager, she wanted me to come in today (Tuesday) for a job fair, she apologized for the short notice...