Search results

  1. nguyenk22

    Smokey blue / B4 & AFTER / DENTIST fotd

    This is kind of the same as my PURPLE smokey fotd, but of course in blue. i am a blue whore BEFORE: eek AFTER: (ahah, my work shirt from the boxing week sale, i wear it as pjs so what! LOL) FACE:Select cover up nc35 cheeks: emote powder blush, dollymix EYES: Udpp, freshwater...
  2. nguyenk22

    Smokey Purple on a creaseless asian :) LOL

    This is my second time posting, be gentle BEFORE AFTER: FACE:Select cover up nc35 cheeks: emote powder blush, dollymix EYES: Udpp, endless love e/s , Grape pig, Carbon e/s, Non-conformist f/s , Black track f/s, sephora purple eyeliner, Lancome hypnotose mascara, loreal volume...
  3. nguyenk22

    first post, a few pictures.

    aww boo, you can't see my piercings. PLEASE don't mind the eyebrows i got them done later that day. Thank goodness..... USED : mac select cover up in nc35. mac blacktrack fluidline mac RR BLUE pigment. I THINK it's lithograph (i...