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  1. Kimmi201

    Cassie, insane look!

    Please help me get this GREAT, beautiful, stunning look lol! I love the lipcolor and the picture says what color it is but it isn't in english. I looked it up, it says maybelline, but it says two colors one of them seems not to excist the other does so I dont know, there is no 812. I also love...
  2. Kimmi201

    Show orchid drugstore knock-off??!!

    Hi, I've just decided that I REALLY want a bright pink listick or lip gloss, I love the color of show orchid by MAC! I however don't want to spend that much so can anyone give me a good show orchid knock off or a great hot pink lipstick I can buy at the drugstore? A hot pink gloss would also be...
  3. Kimmi201

    Very sexy, sultry eyes!!? How to, pics inside

    Hi everyone I was wondering if you ladies could tell me how to achieve this eyelook. This is just some random friend of a friend on facebook, but I really like her eye makeup and the shape it gives to her eyes. I realize that she has very almond shaped eyes to begin with and not much of a...
  4. Kimmi201

    Jennifer Garner's sexy smokey eyesss!

    Hey ladies I was wondering how to do my eye makeup like jennifer garner's is here. Im goin crazy because I can't find a picture that is up close enough to tell whats goin on with the makeup exactley.... basically wondering the lid colors and if she has a smokey eye with shadow or mostly...