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  1. bettiecracka

    natural boring FOTD. :D

    Alright, it's been a while since I posted a FOTD, so here goes. Eyes: Embark, Tendermetal, and Blur. Lips: Sephora lip palette color and Dior Addict gloss. Cheeks: Cheap Covergirl stuff. Take it easy on me, haha. It's still early for me and I'm not used to neutral colors!
  2. bettiecracka

    Before/After shots of my house!

    If you go to my webpage and look at my most recent 'blog' post, you can see before and after shots of what my husband and I've done to my house. I'm happy with how the paint/hardwood floors came out. Tell me what you think! Viva Glam (my webpage)
  3. bettiecracka

    better pictures?

    I really want to post some FOTD's but it seems every time I try and take close ups of my eyes, the pictures are just too blurry. What do you girls recommend that I do? I've tried different lighting, no flash, doing the self timer and nothing works. It's a really good digital camera so I don't...
  4. bettiecracka

    I hate Valentines Day.

    It's sad when you're married and Valentines Day doesn't mean a thing to you. Before my husband and I got married, we celebrated these things. This year he couldn't even get me a cheap card and he didn't get one for my birthday, either. I'm depressed. I hate these kind of holidays.
  5. bettiecracka

    It's a sad day...

    I was saving up all of my Back 2 Mac casings and looked in the usual spot for them today and realized they were gone. I asked my husband if he knew where they were and yep, he threw them away. I'm upset, I wanted free lipstick!
  6. bettiecracka

    My Tiny Collection compared to others. :)

    I'm trying to add to my collection, which is hard for me to do since I now have a mortgage to pay, but here it is. For you girls that have huge collections, I recommend tool boxes. I work at Home Depot so I thought it'd be right to have one for my makeup. Some of the stuff I...
  7. bettiecracka

    Hey ladies!

    Hey there. After lurking around these forums for a while, I've decided I should talk. I love looking at all of your pictures and getting ideas. Hope to talk to more of you soon.