Search results

  1. haha_noodlez

    positions available for MAC?

    I was just wondering what positions are available at the MAC counter. I hear many people here talking about freelancing but what exactly is that? Most of my friends has suggested that I apply and so has the manager at my counter but I already have a full-time job, and school so I dunno if I'd...
  2. haha_noodlez

    Beach Bunny Pig?

    I was bored and started looking for piggies on Ebay. Anywoo, someone mentioned a pigment called "Beach Bunny" as an extremely rare and hard to find although I've never heard of it. Of course that doesn't mean it doesn't exist but does anyone have a picture of this so called piggie? Or if they...
  3. haha_noodlez

    red lips

    okie doke, if you have a fair-tan complexion can you pull off red lips w/neutral eyes? after seeing all these post w/red lips, i wanna give it a try but i dunno if i can pull it off. i hardly use any lip products besides conditioner, but i'm dying to try a new look. oh, im a c4 if that helps...