Search results

  1. romaquillage

    Aurora Borealis

    YouTube - â2122¥ TUTORIAL : Aurora Borealis â2122¥ The wonders of the "Northern Lights" BROWS: * MAC Brow Shader "IVOIRE/WALNUT" *MAC Brow Set "CLEAR" EYES: * UDPP * WOLFE Essentials Palette "PINK" * MAC e/s "HEATHERETTE TRIO 2" * MAC Powerpoint "PERMAPLUM" * MAC Prep&Prime "LASH" * MAC...
  2. romaquillage

    Sweet Ripe Apple

    YouTube - â2122¥ TUTORIAL : Sweet Ripe Apple â2122¥ - EYES : * Painterly (MAC Paint Pot) * Light Green & Brown (in WOLFE Essentials Palette) * Gold (in WOLFE Neon/Metallix Palette) * Prep&Prime Lash (MAC) * 2000 Calorie in Black (MAX FACTOR) - LIPS : * Transparent (CATRICE Magic...