Search results

  1. AnaPR

    Need Help Finding A MUFE HD 173 Dupe!

    I love MUFE. Really do. It's a rare find because I don't look pale and/or ashy in pictures and the foundation is lightweight. That being said, it's EXPENSIVE! I'm getting ready to have a little one and need to watch my pennies. Anyone have a suggestion out there for a MUFE HD 173...
  2. AnaPR

    Beauty Marked: Thumbs Up...Or Thumbs Down?

    I'm debating on whether or not to buy Beauty Marked. I hear great--and then not so great--things about the e/s. Some people say it's their favorite color--others say it applies black while looking reddish-purplish-black in the pan. What do you all think? Should I go ahead and fork over the...