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  1. *lindsey*

    Dinner and a movie with the boy FOTN

    I've been reading a lot lately but not posting My boyfriend took me out to dinner and to see Invincible. I love lustre eyeshadows AT FIRST... but then they always end up flaking into my eyes and scratching them... does this happen to anyone else? Used: Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer "Nude"...
  2. *lindsey*

    My first FOTD yaaaay

    Hiii Nothing special, just going over to a friend's house. What I used.. Face: Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer in Nude NARS Laguna bronzer NARS Orgasm blush Eyes: MAC Fling brow pencil (my brows are uneven.. I know...I kind of decided to tweeze them while I was a little tipsy... whoops) MAC...
  3. *lindsey*

    hiiiiiiiii :)

    Hey yall! I'm Lindsey... just wanted to introduce myself. It's nice to find a place where everyone else is just as obsessed with makeup as I am I'm 23, an esthetician and I freelance for MAC. Looking foward to posting here... bye!