Bioré Skincare’s Acne Collection


Staff member
Finals week is approaching full speed ahead. While you’re pulling all-nighters to pass your exams, your skin is working overtime to compensate for lack of sleep and overwhelming stress. Give your skin some TLC with Bioré Skincare’s Acne Collection.

The Bioré baking soda and charcoal acne fighting products will calm your skin while you freak out about finals to achieve a clearer complexion in just 48 hours.

· Bioré Baking Soda Acne Scrub is a daily cleanser for combination skin which gently removes pore-clogging dead skin cells while also banishing existing breakouts with salicylic acid.

· Bioré Charcoal Acne Scrub for oily skin contains exfoliating beads and skin-polishing micro crystals that clear away dead skin cells without irritating skin or stripping it of moisture, while also soaking up sebum.

· Bioré Charcoal Acne Clearing Cleanser is a refreshing daily liquid cleanser for oily skin formulated to achieve a deep, pore-clearing clean without over-drying. Natural charcoal absorbs oil, while salicylic acid treats existing pimples and prevents new ones from popping up.


Each product is $6.49 and can be purchased at select food, drug and mass merchant stores.
