My Makeup Collection app needs Android testers


Well-known member

I have an apple app called My Makeup Collection that can store your swatches and product details for all of your makeup products. It keeps all of the info private, so it's not another beauy community but a way of storing all of your swatches and products detail on the cloud so you can access them in store on your phone or tablet. (The links for the apple app and website are below in my signature).

I'm getting the android app ready and would really love to get some other Android users to test it as I'm not as familar with Android (I've only ever used Apple phones myself, although I've tested this app on Samsung and a few friends have tried). If anyone would like to test it please drop me a PM, or reply below as I'd love to get some feedback from people I don't know personally.



Well-known member
This sounds like a great idea! I have recently been thinking that I needed a swatch system to avoid duplicates :)


Well-known member
Ta, have sent you all PMs


Well-known member
Hi there, sorry I missed the final message as I've been sweating to get it in store. It's *finally* done and available here;


Well-known member
Not sure if you're still wanting people for this but I'm a Droid user and have just installed it - if you'd like feedback, let me know.


Well-known member
That would be great. There is actually a new version in the beta-testing pipeline that probably covers a few areas you might have noticed, but if you wanted to PM me the feedback that would be great :) (and I'll let you know if it's part of the next version!!)


Well-known member
I just saw this and was about to install and try the app but it really puts me off that this app "needs" access to my phone contacts, saved images, microphone, browser history etc. That's a bit much, isn't it?