MAC Items Being Discontinued in 2017


Well-known member
What? HOVER??????

Hover is a staple for me. I need to get backups!

ther goes my 2017 no buy...

I purchased Hover for the first time last week and now I'm obsessed with it! Since then, I've purchased two more, however, I need to return some stuff to MAC on Friday and will be exchanging for more Hover Lip Pencils. I fill in my lips with it completely and wear it by itself. I'm so disappointed that I have just found out about this lip pencil as it is being discontinued, however, I plan on getting quite a few backups so I can be set!

So I just went to my MAC store and cleared it of Hover lip liners. I got 6. Think that is enough backups?

i also found Chicory lip pencil, which is not listed on the MAC site anymore, and I got 4 of those. Chicory is perfect for coral lipsticks.

I think 6 should last you a long time, however, I want to play it safe and have 10 at the least, lol. Also, thanks for the headsup about Chicory. I'll check to see if my local MACs still carry it.
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Well-known member
I called the closest freestanding MAC store yesterday morning to have them put a couple of Hover lip pencils on hold for me as I had some returns to make, and unfortunately, they only had 1 left (which I bought of course). Upon hearing this, I ordered 3 online, so now for now, I'll have 7. I plan on ordering 3 more this week so I'll have 10 altogether. I think (hope) that will suffice, lol.


Well-known member
I just ordered Teal and Violet from Macy's.

Bloomingdales said they had Grape, Violet, and Teal, but once I got through the shopping cart they said they only had Teal. >_<


Well-known member
I'm confused... all lipglasses and all those amaze balls eyeshadows... they must be doing something?


My beloved Folie has been discontinued. Been wearing it for over a decade.


Well-known member
MAC Stripdown Lip Liner is off the MAC site. I don't know why MAC is discontinuing a product that is quite popular?
So sad to see Folie being DC'd. It was an eyeshadow used on me on my wedding day and brings back good memories every time I use it.


Well-known member
Um, why is Cork lip liner no longer on the US website?? That's a very popular item and wasn't it part of those lip-kits...which are now sold out? What on earth is MAC doing?!:mad:


Absolutely devastated that Studio Tech foundation and Studio finish concealer have been discontinued!!!! In Australia anyway. What the hell