Elective C-Sections?


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I have just my little boy, delivered vaginally without pain meds. But I also was went to the hospital at 8am and he was out by noon, so I was lucky. It hurt like hell, but I would do it all over again. If a C-section is *medically* necessary, I will get one, but I don't want an unnecessary surgery. I've been to several C-sections when I was a student nurse and those aren't very pretty to watch either and you don't get knocked out; you're still awake, just very very numb.


Well-known member
Personally, I wouldn't even consider a c-section although I came very close to an emergency one with my first child.

I had morphine and was in labor for almost 24 hours and both my baby and I were in serious trouble: I was getting exhausted from the pain and pushing and my baby's heartbeat was getting erratic. My second child also came the v-way with no medication whatsoever since she came so fast; labor and delivery totaled 6 hours. Two very different experiences.

I think each woman should weigh the pros and cons of each option and decide which is best for her. Unless....like some of the comments posted here, it is imperative for the health of both mother and baby...


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
Sorry. I'm not less of a mother just because I've never pushed a baby through my vagina.

So agreed, no way was my 10 pound baby coming out the "normal" way. I was in labor for 16 hours and his head was just too damned big!


Well-known member
barring any medical necessity - a c-section has alot more risks than a vaginal birth. that is proven over and over again thru extensive research. and the health of BOTH mother and baby is at stake.

there are so many "myths" against vaginal birth that it can be quite confusing and irritating. for ie, tearing - there is a VERY good chance, you WON'T tear! the key seems to be having a supportive doctor or midwife.

this is one area where you need to do your OWN research - not go by what your girlfriend, sister, mother or even doctor says. there are very reputatable websites, books, studies that have good, eye-opening information.

no, how you give birth does not define you as a mother. i've had 1 c-section and 2 vbacs (which i am open to discussing any time - and yes, i had drugs at my hospital vaginal births!).
i'm a good mama to all my kiddos!

with that said - you can make the best of whatever situation you are given. birth IS special, no matter how it happens.


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It is painful to deliver a baby no matter what options you choose, but it`s most easy enduring pain because your baby will make you forget about it immediately otherwise we wouldn`t have survived as a specie
I had a natural birth 17 hours of labor, i don`t remember the pain now, only the moments of joy afterwards,my son is 3. i`ll have a c -section next month, i choose it because i want my tubes tied, 2 children are enough for me, I want to take care of them, offer everything to them and do other stuff in life besides having children
excepting medical reasons I think vaginal delivery it`s the way to go, it`s safer, in long term it`s better, I had a surgery when i was 5 crossing my tummy and i hate it all my youth, a surgery that cuts your belly muscles , uterus muscles it`s far more complicated for our bodies than a vaginal delivery.
I would think at this option in long term not just for the moment.The vaginal delivery pain it`s not a piece of cake but is bareable


Ive got 3 boys
first 2 were born natural nopain meds
last one i had to get the epidural but it was pointless cause they stoped it 30 minutes before i had to push and was in horrible pain then come to find out i had to get a csection. I was still pushing in the OR cause i was scared to get the csection (for reassons that had to do with my unborn baby being hurt) plus my Bf had a baby 6 months before and told me the horror of csections.

Id much rather have a vaginal birth over c section cause although im sure some people think "i wont have to push and go through all that pain" usually dont realize the pain after the birth!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LadyMay3

Id much rather have a vaginal birth over c section cause although im sure some people think "i wont have to push and go through all that pain" usually dont realize the pain after the birth!!

So truth. I had a vaginal one and a c-section one. I went through so much pain with the c-section, couldn`t believe woman said this was easy( well mostly who didn`t have the other experience). Giving birth vaginal so much better


Well-known member
I basically had an elective C-section. Nothing about vaginal birth appealed to me. I had spent my entire pregnancy watching "baby story" on TLC and vaginal birth was just terrible sounding to me.

The day before my due date I had an ultra sound and my daughter was butt first. The doctor basically told me they could "manually" turn her head first and I could have a vaginal delivery or I could have a c-section. I jumped at the c-section option. So, my c-section was scheduled for the next morning, my due date. When they opened me up my daughter was head first and in birthing position, haha. The recovery for me was sooooo easy! I had next to no pain, after the epidural and spinal wore off, I refused all narcotics and only took naproxin (which is basically aleve) I was up walking around that night at the hospital..Took a nice long shower the next day and was driving 2 days after I was released from the hospital. Had my staples removed 8 days after the procedure and felt awesome!

As far as the c-section itself...I had a bikini line c-section...which is what most c-sections are now a days. Basically it's a small incesion that is far enough down that a bikini would cover it...My daughter is 6 and there is hardly any scaring left. It's a very small, flat, white line, now.

My daughter is now 6, she is healthy as ever. The next kids will also be c-section babies.

There is a good story for every bad story for both c-sections and vaginal deliveries. You will hear some women tell you horror stories about c-sections and some tell you wonderful stories.


Well-known member
^ You`re right about good and bad stories. I still think my pain , part of it at least, might be linked with the fact that mine was vertically from the belly button till way down because of an old surgery and they had to remove an old wide scar to do it. Anyway because of being vertically it required more effort from me at every move, the first days were nightmare when trying to move, even after 3 month and a half it still hurts at times, so yeah as now still no happy ending here


Well-known member
Birthing plans and whatever option you decide is a very personal matter that has no right or wrong answer. It's YOUR choice and it's nobody's business but yours.
Having said that, I've had 2 C-sections and I must say that I would have liked to try a vaginal birth.
The first time around I was as scared as you and wanted a C-section so bad I kept pushing my doctor to perform one. She was opposed to it stating that natural birth was the best way to go and that C-sections were her last resource.
After a pelvic X-ray and other tests a C-section was programmed (party because I was all I want one and because the test showed that the baby was not in birthing position). The operation went well as was my recovery but I have to say that 3 weeks later I still had a bit of pain and couldn't walk straight. My scar was almost undetectable and I had no problems with the healing.
6 years later I wanted to try a vaginal birth with my second child. My doctor said she wouldn't risk a uterine rupture so no vaginal birth for me plus the baby had the cord around her neck 2 times .
I had problems with keloid scarring, uterine walls around the C-section almost tearing and after the birth I started to bleed out so much I almost had a hysterectomy, I had to have my tubes tied to avoid another pregnancy since it was too risky to become pregnant again. The recovery time for this one was worse because by the second week the incision burst open on some stitches. I had an infection and had to have the incision opened again and clean.
I swear I'm not trying to scare you and I know there are many complications from vaginal births and just giving birth in general. But I can't help thinking that maybe I could have had an easier time if I could have had vaginal births but then again the health of my babies was first not to mention mine the second time around.
Anyway you have a long time to think about it and whatever you decide will be great for you because it will be your choice.
P.S. Sorry about the gruesome details but I feel I must share it.
P.S. 2. You can totally breastfeed after having a C-section, believe me the pain will not be present once you hear your baby crying because he/she is hungry, you'll be on the "Must keep baby alive and happy" mode that could care less about the pain.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sexy Sadie
From my point of view is that a C-cection for no other then medical reasons is for cowards. One simply do not leave a job that one can handle ones self to others.

Besides, newer research from the US tells us that ceaserians are doing bader in life because they have not (letterly) learned that in difficult times there will be light in the tunnel soon.

Besides, there is no rite de passages left in the Western world. And I see my friends there are mothers that there is a difference between those who had C-section and those who actually made it. The last mention is more secure as mothers. they have this feeling over them as they can master everything.

Hard to explain.

From this I get your not a Mom right?? So... how would you now anything about this?
I think your comment is uninformed and judgmental.
I know I feel just a secure as my friends who've given birth vaginally and I know that they have the same anxieties as I do in raising their children.
Being a good mother or a secure one doesn't depend on how the baby is born.


Well-known member
heck when i have a kid i want a c-section lol. im not even going to try to push just so they can cut it out of me, for me id rather get a c-section and not have my 'down town' get jack up lol. plus i heard its so much easier!


Well-known member
I had my baby vaginally after being scared to death and praying for a cSection majority of my pregnancy and honestly it was NOT that bad. I mean it hurt, but it was nothing a person couldn't handle and bounce from .. and I say this as a total pain wimp.

I did rip from my vagina to my butthole and that took some healing and recovery .. the same as an incision would but it healed quickly and now I'm back to normal, you wouldn't even to be able to tell I had a baby (and I just had him 3 months ago). Nothings "jacked up" down there.

I think most people who don't have kids psyche themselves out by dreading the unknown. I bet most of you who are scared would say "Aww man this was nothing!" if you delivered vaginally


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sierrao
heck when i have a kid i want a c-section lol. im not even going to try to push just so they can cut it out of me, for me id rather get a c-section and not have my 'down town' get jack up lol. plus i heard its so much easier!

Easier? Ummm. No.

Here's another fun little thing about c-sections they don't tell you. It's possible for the scar to reopen into a gaping hole months after you've "healed." I just learned that one recently. Yuck!


Well-known member
Yes it is possible for the scar to reopen, it is possible to get an infection, it is even possible for you to get Necrotizing Fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria) from a c-section. There can also be issues with the placenta....The list could go on. Alot of the same risks can also be found with vaginal deliveries as well. You could still hemorrhage, get an infection, tearing and possibly even have to use forcepts or a vaccum to aid delivery. Also with both you could have an epidural and that alone has risks. The best thing is to find a great doctor, a hospital that has a low infection rate, and to educate yourself about both procedures and talk with your doctor and then decide what is best for you.


Well-known member
Since you asked
I think that as long as the c-section is not being done early for "celebrity reasons" (ie to avoid damage to the stomach muscles for quick flat-stomach recovery), then it's really up to the person having it. I don't think women should have to justify their choices to anyone else.

One of my coworkers had a child and I found it terribly disturbing how some women came in and barked at her, unsolicited, ordering her around in terms of what she could and couldn't do about her pregnancy, delivery, breastfeeding... I understand that people feel strongly about these things but they stressed her out way more than necessary. And if she disagreed with something they'd put her through the wringer making her "explain" herself. I almost took a broom to them a couple of times. It was much nicer when people didn't offer any advice not asked for and were reassuring and supportive.

Education and exchange of ideas are very positive things that come from discussions like this one. Just make sure that facts you're passing on are from credible medical sources.


Well-known member
Well as long as it is a health problem I think the choice should be from a medical point a view. If you think having a baby delivered it`s hard , raising a baby on your own it`s a lot harder
Being aware about birth options is important but you shouldn`t choose a method or other because you`re afraid...that`s not a good reason
A lot of things start in your body and baby`s body when you gave birth when it starts on its own, you and your baby are prepared, that`s not always the case with a c-section or induced labours
I had a friend recently gave birth vaginally but not because it was the time but because she was 39w and 5 days and the dr didn`t want to wait over 40 weeks and he induced the labour. Well the baby wasn`t ready and he refused to eat, they had to put an iv to feed him, it took him almost 2 weeks to start to act like a newborn and lot of pain for their parents. As with this labour the c-section are usually made around 39 w,mind you almost in all case the outcome is good and that`s a good thing But sometimes it`s not (and those persons care and wonder about it) I think nature know best, not all the time but most of the time


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sierrao
heck when i have a kid i want a c-section lol. im not even going to try to push just so they can cut it out of me, for me id rather get a c-section and not have my 'down town' get jack up lol. plus i heard its so much easier!

I wanna add you really don't have a choice when it comes to pushing. When the time comes and if all is well your body will push on its own like its supposed to. If you put the extra effort into it it'll just move it along faster.

My body was pushing my son out with each contraction and I tried to hold him in because the hospital was having trouble finding my doctor and I felt like I was going to give birth to him in my room alone as the nurses were running in and out trying to prep. By the time my doctor got there my son was already out to his eyebrows because my body had pushed him that far

So yeah I don't think your plan is going to work ..lol


Well-known member
I had a C-section almost 6 years ago, To my beautiful almost 6 year old daughter. I was in labor for over 30 some hours doing nothing but pushing and pushing and I had my primary care doctor there who I had been seeing for years to help deliver my baby and she knew probably within a few hours of me pushing that I could NOT actually have my daughter vaginally the pelvic bone was in the way of being able to push her out so even though she knew that a couple hours into labor she still made me push and push for all those long 30 some hours (What a b*tch) it wasn't until someone higher up then her from the hospital came in and said No she needs to go into have a c-section now so they took me in and basically to describe exactly what happens is your on a table laying completely flat on your back they put a curtain up so you don't see anything and numb you from your waist down which I had the epidural so they added to that to completely numb you so you can NOT feel your legs, anything from your waist down. All you feel is a light tugging feeling which DOES NOT hurt its so light it just feels a little funny but besides that you are so relaxed from all the medications they have giving you, you are oblivious to mostly everything that's going on. Honestly there was no pain for me that way because your so numb you pretty much feel nothing and even after the surgery they put staples in me not stitches which I prefer better they are bigger then your regular sized staple of course because its medical staples but it might sound so horrible and scarry but honestly when they take the staples out 3 days later you feel nothing!! Its much quicker to use a tool that looks like tweezers and quickly pluck out the staples then to have to have stitches pulled out which does take longer. Because our bodies work so quick to heal wounds within 5 days your cut is closed up and good to go. And the cut itself is better now a days then back then now they cut a small like 3-4 inch line on your bikini line so right below your underwear nobody will even see it whereas back in the day they would cut on your stomach which really sucks
I would gladly much rather go through that experience of a C-section than try to give vaginally again infact I am now pregnant with my second child and am wondering if I can just elect to have the C-section with this child why would I want to go through 30 some hours of pushing and extreme pain just to find out again after all that they would just give me a C-section anyways it's best to spare me all that extra pain for nothing! So I hope with this one I can elect for it but then again I am on state insurance so I don't know if they will just let me elect for it they might try to pull some crap of saying I can't elect for it I can only get it if it's needed which in that case I'll end up going through that same crap as I did the first time
Aye Yay Aye.......... :/


Well-known member
When you have already had a c-section, its pretty much automatic that you will have one again. It can be dangerous for you to try and give birth vaginally. Im not sure if heard correct, but apparently there is risk of the uterus rupturing.