Elective C-Sections?


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Actually, I've heard the opposite - repeat C-sections are more dangerous, and let's not forget that a C-section is classified as major surgery.


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Sometimes nature doesn't know best. My aunt who gave birth to a 10+ pound stillborn baby at 38ish weeks wishes with everything that her doctor would have taken her a few weeks early AND also her pregnancy was closely monitored. It's not healthy for a woman to really go over 40 weeks gestation. When a woman goes over her due date risk of fetal death skyrockets, risks of complications during delivery go up, and risk of having to have an emergency c-section goes up.

I also work with a girl who gave birth to a still born baby before 40 weeks and that baby was also around 10 pounds. Her doctors, too, had the idea "nature will know when, we aren't going to induce you early".

I'm having my 2nd c-section on April 13th, which is about a week before my actual due date. This is an elective, scheduled c-section, much like my first. My doctor told me I could attempt a VBAC. I've opted to go ahead with a c-section. In ultrasounds my baby is already showing to weigh a little over 9 pounds and that was last weeks ultrasound. My doctor has ordered that I have an ultrasound every week and if the baby gets bigger he is taking me earlier than my scheduled c-section date of April 13th. I would much rather risk having a baby a couple of weeks early than waiting a week or 2, too late and having a stillborn child, knowing that if I would have just opted to go early my kid would be alive. A week early is almost always better than a week late.

The most important thing ANY woman can do is, find an OBGYN you TRUST. Ask him/her about birthing stats in their practice. Ask any and all questions. A great doctor will be willing to sit with you and answer all questions you may have. Hell, my OBGYN took my phone call at 2am because I wanted to know what kind of over the counter medicine I could take for a minor cold.

EVERY pregnancy is different.


Well-known member
My doctor actually preferred C-sections. Our entire practice did. My doc told me that he thought she would end up being too big for vaginal, and she was 7lbs. 7oz...to make things worse, the spinal block didn't work, so I was in an ungodly amount of pain until she was taken out. I wasn't bedridden at all though except for the first night. I had my daughter 7 weeks ago, and I was back in the swing of things pretty quick. Except for core strength, I'm already back to normal. I just won't lift more than 20lbs. for safety's sake.


Well-known member
My first daughter was a c-section not because I wanted it, but because of the health conditions (I had severe IUGR with her) and they thought it was better that way to have a c-section.

many rumors that once you have a c-section, you'll never be able to have vagina birth..

that is not ultimately true.. it is not recommended by some obstetricians because of the likeliness you might have uterine rupture. But honestly, that chance is slim to none considering the advanced technology they use nowadays and they way they cut the c-section.

I was only 20 when I had my 1st daughter, and my 2nd pregnancy my 1st ob doctor recommended i only have another c-section..

i DID NOT want to because i have a horrible scar down there LOL.. because I scar easily - so it's a keloid now.. it is shrinking (amazingly) but i wanted to try to go all natural (which i did woo hoo)

that is called VBAC (Vaginal Birth after cesearean).. My hoohaa looks exactly like it did before i ever got pregnant, and (TMI) but my hubby says it feels a lot tighter than ever LOL!

I DID tear inside, and had to get sewed up.. it wasn't terrible at all.. i had a better recovery with the vaginal birth than my c-section because during my "healing" stage after my c-section.. the incision tore inside while i was trying to lift something - i was about 5 weeks post-partum.. and that was so much more painful because they don't repair the tear if it does happen (at least where i live) because they said it would do more harm than good.. and that i'd need to heal naturally lol..

my 1st daughter did have some lung problems after the c-section because of the whole she was a premie, not getting the stuff squeeze outta the lungs like a vaginal delivery would normally do.. but she had other medical conditions too that are off topic..

all in all, if i were to ever have another child again, i'd go all natural like i did with my 2nd.. because (in my opinion) i felt better about it.. i was so proud of myself for not taking any epidural, no pain medication (no tylenol or anything!) lol.. im just glad i tried and that i had gone to a different ob doctor after my 1st one wanted me to have a c-section (this is for my 2nd pregnancy)

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