preterm labor and terbutaline...experience anyone


Well-known member
Aloha ladies...

so I'm 35 weeks tomorrow. This morning at 5:30am I woke up with contractions lasting about 30 seconds every 2 minutes. This went on for several hours, then at 10am I saw my doctor, he confirmed that I was having labor contractions still every 2 minutes, so sent me to the hospital.

At the hospital, they gave me 2 shots (not at the same time) of Terbutaline which is supposed to stop contractions. Seemed like it worked at the time, but now several hours later, I'm having mild contractions again like every 5 minutes or so.

Does anyone here have experience with this medicine? Just want to know everyones stories with it


Well-known member
firstly congrats on your pregnacy!
i had to have that with both pregnancies, but moreso with my first. i was in and out of the hospital and was sent home with terbutaline oral pills.. but i couldn't take them because it would make my heart beat so fast i thought my heart was going to burst!

i had other medical issues with my first pregnancy which i had to deliver her by c-section at 36 weeks..

i think if your still having contractions, you should go to your doctor to be monitored though and make sure they are not real labor contractions..


Well-known member i went in AGAIN last night (only one day after they gave me the medicine) for even more intense contractions. Was given another shot and was told I'm good the go... Does anyone else have experience with this medicine? how long did yours last for?