Choose my Haircut!


Well-known member
Ok guys I am out of ideas...

Here is what I look like

Ignore the zit and the weird shading
My hair is longer now, about an inch or so below my chin. I want something COOL but chic enough that it screams " Creative Professional". My look is kind of retro, but again I have to have a professional edge. I am a writer but I do freelance so I may end up in the office of an oil exec, although I MOSTLY do things like PR so I can go a little edgier.
My hair is a tiny bit wavy, fine, but a ton and a half of fine!

Need ideas people!!
I will be forever grateful!!


Well-known member
no love


Well-known member
I'd probably keep the length you have and add layers and sweeping fringe. Since you like retro I'd get something like this: rbie

This would look nice to with your slightly wavy hair and for something for sleek and chic just straighten your hair:

Things I would reccomend not getting done is going shorter than chin length, gettting short layers, and a straight across fringe. Your hair is slightly wavy so these things wouldn't really work with your hair texture.