Engagement ring - What kind of wedding band to match?


Well-known member
Here are a few pix of my engagement ring. It's a platinum tri-stone with princess cut diamonds. I love it. But i'm having a hard time finding a wedding band to go with it. It's like they never lay flush against the ring and look kind of gaudy.. any recs?




Well-known member
It's beautiful but I know what you mean about having a wedding band that lays flat with it... it's a "basket weave" and this can be a problem. The simplest thin band with or without small princess cuts would probably work well with it.. Go to jewelers and try on a bunch and grab some ideas. Good luck!


New User
I’m not sure which wedding band is going to match with these beautiful rings. I loved the stones and the design. My engagement ring was also one like this which I bought from a jewelry store named Phera Diamonds. It’s called as Cherie with pave set round brilliant diamonds.