foundation makes my skin flakey...


Well-known member
Whenever I put foundation on especially on certain parts of my face like my nose and around the mouth area and chin its like flakey. I wash my face everytime before I put foundation on and also moisterize it. I know its not the foundation because I put it on other parts of my face like my cheeks and its silky smooth. I do put lotion on those areas, but when it dries out it still have that dry flakey look....Im using the select SPF liquid foundation. Do any of you know any other type of foundation that has some moisterizer in it or any other kind of advice??


Well-known member
I know exactly what you're talking about, and I HATE IT.

This happens to me with some foundations. It must be an ingredient in the formula. Some say cheap foundations do that.

I have tried moisturizing JUST BEFORE applying foundation, and I have tried waiting up to 15 minutes after moisturizing, and there was no difference, so I don't think it's my moisturizer.

The one foundation that I know I can trust and will NOT result in the dreaded flakiness for me is Clinique Perfectly Real Makeup. Which you might think is weird because it is NOT a moisturizing foundation.

MAC Moisture Blend and SPF Liquid both give me some degree of flakiness on the nose/chin.

My skin is dry with maybe a TINY BIT oily around the nose, but definitely NOT on the chin, and I get flakiness in both areas the same.


Well-known member
You need a good scrub, 2 X per week. And a good moisturizing mask, it will help. And if you still have money after that, a makeup primer.


Well-known member
just remember NOT to overexfoliate! that can cause your skin to feel stripped and then overproduce oil and you can get breakouts....

NO more than 2X a week like PrettyKitty said!


Well-known member
Ditto on everything. A gentle scrub will really help, especially if you're using a good moisturizer as well.


Well-known member
Have you tried a tinted moisturizer, like Select Tint by MAC? These are more moisturizing than regular foundations, but they usually don't offer as much coverage...


Well-known member
I don't think it's due to lack of exfoliation, because I exfoliate regularly with a quality product, and some foundations (especially cheap foundations) still make my skin look flakey.


Well-known member
try a skinserum!!! that smoothes your skin like a dream! I'm hunting for estee lauder perfectionist or idealist (I can't remember which on it was) I want to buy it tax free when I'm at the dominican republik, because it's 90 euro's for a large bottle.
'skin boost from the body shop is also a great skin smoother, and that one is only 20 euro's for me, so you can imange the price difference.


Well-known member
well, you want to exfoliate 1-2 times week, and moisturize well, and then I would suggest using a silicon based primer (like Smashbox).

Also, a good moisturizing foundation is necessary (or tinted moistruizer if you don't need more coverage). If you do get oily in spots during the day, use blotting sheets.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
Thanks girls! I will definitely try those and see what works best for me.

you are VERY welcome! everyone no here helps so much!! one of the numerous reasons i love this place so much!