Foundation recs for Pinky - Olive gals...


I have real trouble finding the right foundation shade b/c although my body is olivey and tans very well, my face tends to lean toward the pink side. If I wear NW type colours, I look too pink (I have lots of broken capillaries on my cheeks which add to my pinkness) and if I wear NC type colours, I feel I look too orange.

I'm thinking of trying something from the C colour range.. however I'm open to other ideas, as I'm not particularly fond of any of the MAC fndt's that come in C colours.

My colouring is actually quite neutral... green eyes (w/brown around the centre), med brown hair w/ lots of blonde highlights. Pics in gallery.



New member
Get thee to Sephora.

There should be at least one MA trained in foundation matching at your local Sephora. And try flipping through their amazing foundation swatch book.

I also have the pinky overtone to my face and olive body. I've found that trying to match my face to my neck - that would be going 2 shades darker - makes my face glow yellow. But matching my lightest parts of my face turns me gray. So I compromise and mix my own color so it's inbetween my fair cheeks and darker chin. A touch of yellow to it helps cover the dark spots and brings the two areas together.

We look to be similar in color actually. I found a good cnough match in Chanel Teint Fluide Universal in Clair, that I'm actually considering buying it. It has a silicone-y feel to it and withstood water much better than my current foundation, Px Virtual Skin.



Well-known member
I also have alot of pink undertones on my face which makes it hard to find a good foundation.

My all time favourite is Stephane Marais Fluid foundation. It has a texture sort of similar to Clinique Pore Minimiser (its the only way I can think to describe it). It dries to a powder finish but is absolutely feather light so you don't feel like you are wearing anything at all.

You can check it out here

Here are the reviews on MUA

You can also get this in a Cream Foundation which provices more coverage
