Hello All


Well-known member
Hello to everyone. I figured it was time I properly introduced myself, and thanked the creators, mods and all the fellow make-up addicts out there that make this such an awesome site. My name is Rachael, though Rach is a'ite. I'm currently living in the grand city of San Francisco with my long time boyfriend who graciously puts up with my cosmetic obsession.

I'm a huge MAC addict and spend most of my free time perusing make-up blogs. Any time I have a deep burning question or just looking for the newest product on the market, I always end up at this site. So I figured it was about time I became a member. This place is absolutely amazing - I love the community here. I look forward to being a part of it.


Well-known member
to specktra! so happy you have joined :)


Well-known member
Thanks Lou. It's so sweet that you take the time to welcome everybody personally. It's attention to the little things that make this site so enjoyable.


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra, Rachael :welcome: Maybe our boyfriends/husbands should have their own forum and can discuss what they do while we hang around in shops and swatch makeup ;)


Well-known member
Maybe our boyfriends/husbands should have their own forum and can discuss what they do while we hang around in shops and swatch makeup

Welcome ! and I join bis on this suggestion ... if only he could leave me alone when I am swatching in the shops !!! but he keeps following me everywhere !!!! ARRRGHHHH that is cute I know but I feel a bit crazy :)