Help where can I find Parrot e/s


Well-known member
I've seen a couple of these on Ebay but they are selling for to much is it worth me paying that much money for 1 eye shadow or does anyone know where I can find this cheaper.


Well-known member
Ooh, good luck - everyone wants this so forking out on eBay isn't such a bad idea if you think you'll love it.


Well-known member
yeah parrot is my FAVE! i scored one on ebay in december for $25!! i like having the single pot, but i also bought the jewel palette and was probably the only one who DIDN'T buy it for parrot!! (at that time) i know better now!!


Active member
I would just buy it as a single pot and not the set unless you really like the other colors in the set too. My problem with that was that I wasn't wild about the colors Parrot was with. But its totally your call.


Well-known member
For me, it'd be worth it to bid on the Liza PM Quad (with Kicky Blue, which is basically identical to Parrot). The Holiday palette is nice, I had it, but never used it because I thought it was a waste -- I'd never ever reach for any of the colors in the palette besides Parrot :p Furthermore, I swapped for a depotted Parrot on MUA, so you may want to try that as well


Well-known member
I swapped for a Parrot on MUA, you can really score in that sense if you offer wishlist items that you already have.

I also got my Liza PM quad from Ebay for get this.... only FIFTEEN dollars.
That was a total steal.

The Holiday palette is worth getting IMO because I love the colors it's with. Like they said above, it all depends on your taste and whether or not you like the other colors. The parrot in there is kinda tiny though. I'd prefer to have a whole pan and only use the Holiday one for traveling.


Well-known member
I will probably get both the single e/s and the Holiday palette (I know I'm just gonna love Parrot) because I like the other colors that are in there as well. Is 75.00$ a lot of money for the Holiday palette?


Well-known member
YES! Don't buy it for $75. It was only $34 retail, so anything over $40 is kind of a rip off. Maybe try swapping for it before spending that much money.


Well-known member
Agreed, $75 is waaaaaay too much!! I know it's frowned upon (and also "not allowed") but if you ask the girls who've got it listed on MUA what they'd want for it, I'm sure you'd get a reasonable price
Just an idea!


Well-known member
I have managed to get my parrot e/s tonight on Ebay SO HAPPY can't wait to try it out. Paid a little more than I would have liked but I'm still Happy. Will get the Holiday palette if I see it cheap.