I have pink eye :(


Well-known member
I just got back from the Drs and I have pink eye

I'm going to go clean all of my brushes hardcore, but I'm wondering about my other eye products. Can I just spritz my e/s etc with some alcohol or use an alcohol swab on them?

This really pisses me off because a) I was supposed to work this weekend and b)I just bought new mascara which is now going in the garbage.

TIA Ladies


Well-known member
I feel for you. I swam in a lake full of algae a couple of months ago, and when I woke up the next morning, eye infection. Plus I wear contacts so my brand new contacts and mascara went into the garbage. Then when I finally went to buy more MAC X mascara, they were sold out.
I am blind as a bat without contacts so it meant no makeup for almost 2 weeks because I couldn't see. Pink eye sucks. I cleaned all my brushes with brush cleaner and I haven't had a re-infection. My e/s I just wiped with an alcohol swab. You should be ok doing that.


Well-known member
it sucks. a lot. a good OTC treatment is an eyedrop called Similac... it worked when I had problems a long time ago. I feel for you- its the worst! Luckily- I got them before I started with the MAC