is it possible that creme eyeshadows?


Well-known member
don't look good on everyone. I bought 2 revlon eye creme pallates cuase they were on sale for 2.50 and thier orginally 8 bucks anyways I used my benefit primer and applied the eyeshadow but I just feels it looks weird on my eyes. is it possible that some eyes just don't look good with creme eyeshadows?


Active member
I think it is possible. I don't think creme eyeshadow has ever worked on me. It always creases no matter what I do. I just stopped trying.


Well-known member
i dont like creme e/s too much. Maybe you could try to put on a thiner layer and really rub it in to not make it look so thick?


Well-known member
It works for me! I love the Revlon creme eyeshadows. They last the entire day. But like singinmys0ng said, you can try making it more subtle or mixing it with something else.


Well-known member
i've never really been able to make them work either - must be the oil content of the shadows and the oiliness of the eyelids. even with a base, they crease up in under and hour. could just be they don't work for some folks.


Well-known member
try using a little bit and buffing it in as opposed to layering it on... though i assume you'd be doing that anyhow. I find cream higlighters are good, like under the brow bone as they give a dewy glow, thoough from what i've heard, cream e/s on the lids creases easily...though they're advertised not to crease as much as powder? weird... i also suggest powder e/s on top of the cream e/s APPARENTLY that lasts through anything...though i've not tried it myself

good luck!


Well-known member
alot of times, creme eyeshadow doesn't work very well on oily if you have oily skin, that make be what's making it look different. if that's not the case, try some translucent loose powder under and/or over the shadow after you put it on.


Well-known member
I love the cream ones that when they dry are unbudgeable, but did have to come to terms with the fact that generally speaking they too crease on my oily wop lids. Solidarity, sister Lo_Fi!