Kit Fee


Well-known member
How would you caluclate a kit fee? I'm thinking about charging a kit fee for my photoshoots. I don't want it to be to much but I don't wnat to be cheap either. Thanks for any help!


Well-known member
If its trade work, then you don't charge a kit fee. The point of a trade, is that everyone works for free and in return gets images and such. If you charge a kit fee, then a photog could charge a " lighting fee" or some kind of fee, because just as you pay for your makeup, they pay for equipment.
So if its trade, thats exactly what you get images. Otherwise you are just working for a low fee.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by dominicana90
Ok so should I just charge for fashion shows and event liks proms and bridal?

If you have enough experience and are equipped to take the jobs, then yeah you should charge what you feel you are worth, according to your skills and such.

Good luck!