Life after a car wreck


Well-known member
I will try to keep this as short as possible...

This past Monday, I was driving to my new job (I've only been working there a week!) in a small town surrounded by farmland. Loose gravel got under my tires, I tried to overcorrect and ended hitting an embankment head-on. My injuries ended being a split lip which required stitches, a minor abrasion on my wrist, and some aches/pains. My car is pretty much totaled but I managed to walk away with only minor scrapes/bruises.

I actually went to work the day after my accident because I felt up to it, though a little sore. I was putting on my makeup yesterday morning as I always do and it fully and completely hit me. I am very very fortunate to be alive.

I am aware of how easily it could have gone the other way with me not being here right now. Love and support from my friends, family, my boyfriend and colleagues are what is getting me through all of this. I am keeping my spirits up and wanted to send out positive thoughts to anyone here who is going to through tough times. If you wanted to share any words of encouragement and hope after a scary ordeal (only if you're comfortable), then please feel free.


Well-known member
I am glad to hear that you are alright! A friend of mine was run off the freeway last year slamming her car into a concrete barrier head on at 55mph, they never did get that jerks license plate. Needless to say the car was totalled. She made it out with just a nosebleed and whiplash, it wasn't until she called me the next day and I freaked out that she realized that she could have died.
I like to believe that everything happens for a reason; you are still here because you are still needed, and it sounds like you are very cared about and loved. Stay positive about life and know that everything will always get better; no matter how bad things may be now. You have to hit the bottom before you can truly appreciate the top.


Well-known member
First of all, I am glad to hear you're alright. I've had a rough week so far. On sunday, I went to the beach and in an attempt to get the perfect tan I drenched myself in babyoil, after about 2 hrs i felt so hot. I felt my entire body throbbing and when I got up I lost my sight and hearing. It was one of the scariest things ever. My blood pressure dropped, and I felt so scared and helpless (EMTs had to come to my rescue, the whole works). Also, today i was on the express way driving on the last lane and some idiot driving like 80mph in a trailer truck was coming in the expressway and almost smashed into me. I had to speed up to get past him, or else I probably wouldn't be writing this =/. Also. i've been on a ton of job interviews and no luck. I try to keep my spirts up by realizing I had a lot of people around me who are very supportive and loving. I also have my health, which I am very thankful for.


Well-known member
*group hug*
I have a tattoo down my side that reads "dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die tomorrow" this quote has shaped my life and I try to live and teach my kids to live to the fullest, life is short....even the most boring days deserve to be took a close call about 9 years ago for me to realize this...but I will never forget it.


Well-known member
The EXACT same thing happened to me when I was 19...I sprained my back and needed an ambulance to take me to emergency...Luckily all was well and I was back on my feet after a week. My car was totalled and I had a notverynice bill for the ambulance and emergency care...ergh. shook me up enough just to recognize how lucky I was -- not only surviving the accident but also having the family I do. Just think about how- from one day to the next, one moment to the next everthing can be taken away. Maybe thats not a pleasant thought but it reminds you to appreciate every minute.

Sending out thoughts and support

Originally Posted by pink_lily82
I will try to keep this as short as possible...

This past Monday, I was driving to my new job (I've only been working there a week!) in a small town surrounded by farmland. Loose gravel got under my tires, I tried to overcorrect and ended hitting an embankment head-on. My injuries ended being a split lip which required stitches, a minor abrasion on my wrist, and some aches/pains. My car is pretty much totaled but I managed to walk away with only minor scrapes/bruises.

I actually went to work the day after my accident because I felt up to it, though a little sore. I was putting on my makeup yesterday morning as I always do and it fully and completely hit me. I am very very fortunate to be alive.

I am aware of how easily it could have gone the other way with me not being here right now. Love and support from my friends, family, my boyfriend and colleagues are what is getting me through all of this. I am keeping my spirits up and wanted to send out positive thoughts to anyone here who is going to through tough times. If you wanted to share any words of encouragement and hope after a scary ordeal (only if you're comfortable), then please feel free.


Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I've been there and I'm glad you're OK.

About 15 years ago I was in a bad accident on the highway (going highway speed). I actually woke up in the back of an ambulance on my way to the hospital with no idea where I was. Turns out that I went into the windshield with my head which was what caused me to black out.

The sum total of my injuries where; a sprained neck, sprained back, dislocated shoulder, gash on my head and concussion from the windshield, cut on my other shoulder from the seatbelt, a bruised chest wall (with an imprint of both the steering wheel and seatbelt across my chest and stomach - before airbags) and finally burns on my legs from where the engine oil spilled on them after the engine was pushed into the car.

I was out of commission for 5 weeks (bedridden). After that I went to pick up my belongings from the car at the wreckers (it was totalled) and when I saw the car I could not believe that I was alive after that. My boyfriends mother (now mother-in-law) came with me and she broke down crying when she saw the car. I knew better then to take my own mother or the scene would have been worse.

I still to this day have neck and back issues that stem from that accident but for the most part have no permanent damage. Everytime I get in a car I am still reminded of that day. I am lucky and happy to be alive!

Live every day to the fullest and don't sweat the small stuff!!


Well-known member
Im glad your ok.
Something similar happened to my friend about 6 years ago. she was driving from montreal to toronto (5 hrs) and about 1.5 hrs before T.O. one of her tires blew out. she was all the way on the left hand side of 4 lane highway. the car spun out to face traffic and she ended up on her side in a ditch. The car was accordianed. Luckily she and her passanger were unharmed. just bruises.

Freak accidents like this happen too often. Just be thankful your alright. And don't be ashamed if you find you have trouble getting back in a car or even just dealing with the emotional side of this. It could have ended badly, but luck (or something more) was on your side. It's difficult to deal with being so close to suddenly dying or being seriously injured and walking away. Anyone that judges you or cant understand should be kneed in the crotch.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the kind words, they have meant a lot to me. It seems like with me, it's one thing after another. But like everyone said, I'll definitely learn from this experience and will appreciate everything I have and have been given.

I had to clean out my car before they towed it away to a salvage yard. That was sad because all this memories came back to me. For my bf and my 1st date, I had to pick him up in my car. So I found the paper flower he gave me among some other stuff like souvenirs from road trips we've taken, etc... I guess it will be time to make new memories.

Also thanks for sharing your personal experiences and stories, it helps to know that I'm not the only one going through this. Hopefully we can stay strong through whatever else unexpected comes our way.


Well-known member
I'm glad you're ok. Car accidents/collisions can be odd things to look back on. In all of the ones I've been in, after a while the people involved just start to look back and say thank goodness everyone is ok.


New member
I'm so glad to hear that you're OK. 19 years ago today, my family was in a bad accident on the highway that took the life of my oldest brother. I remember everything about it very clearly. It was the day before I was supposed to start the 1st grade.

But as sad as that story is, it's also part of who I am. I like to think that it has made me a more grateful person. I appreciate the time that I have with loved ones so much more than I would otherwise, because I know that it's not a given that we will be there for each other. As hard as that time was, it also drew my family so much closer together. We love each other dearly, and while we miss my brother like crazy, we also cherish every good memory that we build with each other.

I think that people who live through frightening or difficult situations can either let those things continue to frighten them for years to come, or they can take them as opportunities to grow into a a wiser person. I'm so glad to hear that so many people here have chosen to appreciate the life that they have been given.


Well-known member
im glad you are okay! car accidents are scary no matter how minor aor major. i was in a wreck 3 years ago that left my old car doors almost folded in half, i just had pains on my side because the idiot ran the stop sign and hit my passenger side, my friends family and fiance told me it was a good thing he didnt flip my truck on its side. i didnt think about it then until they mentioned it. but i am so glad you're okay. its always the little things in life that make you appreciate LIFE it's self! take care okay!


Well-known member
Good to know you're OK! One would think that a place as a countryside would bare no accidents, but my brother discovered the hard way while he lived in Wisconsin. He had a deer run across him on the road, and the general consensus is to keep driving straight, even if you hit it. He was so shocked (it was 3 am) that he ended up swerving, and then the deer jumped the other way. He swerved again, and he flew off a levy. The car flipped in the air. He wasn't wearing a seat belt which is what actually saved his life, because he flew out of the windshield after it shattered.

When the car landed it pushed the bottom of the car upwards. The tires were hinged inside the vehicle. The back window (it was one of those hatch-backs) had bent sideways and went inside the car. All the glass was shattered. He found himself laying on the field with the shift gear on his hand. He thought he was dead, staring into the stars until he heard the train pass by far ahead. He had no broken bones - only scratches and a few cuts over his body. He walked to mom's house from that, which is around 40 mins from the area. He was still in shock I guess. My mom was the one that went hysterical when she saw him.

A lot of the local sheriff's were just flabbergasted at how he survived once they saw the car. We all are. He's a strong kid, and he's doing pretty well. It's the things that change your life, and you get a deeper perspective on things.


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone here for posting this stuff - we bought a cursed car and had our last crash in it on my birthday this year (July). I have only just made it back in to a car this week and so far so good. All of these crashes were caused by other people - 1st we were stopped at a red light and someone ploughed into the back of us, 2nd and 3rd the car was parked and noone was in it at the time, and the 4th crash joyriders jumper a red light - hit us at full speed - spun us 180 degrees into a barrier and then proceeded to leave us for dead and drive off into the night.

We were both ok, I have been shaken and other half has injured his back slightly - but this thread has really made me appreciate how lucky we really are. This last crash totalled the car so it was written off by the insurance and because we wern't able to trace the people who hit us we have had to downgrade considerably as our insurance is now sky high.

But... Lucky to be alive, to have each other, to be able to drive again and to have been in much less serious crashes than you guys.

Thanks and hugs to you all