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Luscious Lips Tutorial


Well-known member
I decided it would be fun to make a tutorial on some easy tips to make your lips appear bigger.

Heres what I'm using:

Lipliner (not sure what color, but it's a light brownish plum shade--you just need one thats a few shades darker than your natural lip color but in the same color family)
MAC Kinda Sexy l/s
Victorias Secret Carriberry l/s
MAC Vanilla pigment

Ok here we go


Start with bare lips, and apply whatever chapstick you usually use. I would wait a little afterwards though because for this look, you want your lips a little bit dryer.


Pic 1-Line your lips, but make sure you line them a little outside of the lines. We're trying to make our lips look bigger so you want to redraw your natural lip shape. Later on, you can play around with this tip for a more dramatic look.

Pic 2-Retrace the lines

Pic 3-Start at the bottom line you drew and lightly take your liner and shade upwards (make sure you do this for the whole line), but make sure you leave about 2/3s of the lip untouched. Repeat this step on the top lip but shade downwards. The reason we do this is to make the lips look more natural instead of one thick line.


Apply lipstick in the spot that is not filled in with the liner.


Blend your lipstick into your liner by rubbing your lips together a tiny tiny bit.


Apply your lipgloss but dont smear it on, dot it all over your lips, press your lips together, and then lightly rub them together so you dont mess up the effect of the liner.


Apply Vanilla pigment in the spots shown. It will give the illusion that the light is hitting it, so your lips will appear fuller. Lightly press your lips together once to make it blend a little better.


Tada! See the difference?


Hope you liked it!!


very very clever with the lip liner

Plastic surgeons around the world are gonna be upset that women can make their lips bigger without creepy injections


Well-known member
No ma'am. I actually just saw a magazine article for this, I think it was in the Cosmo with Scarlett on the cover and it made me happy that I had the same idea as a highly respected MUA lol. They explained it a little better, but I said it first!
lol I'll repost the article if I can find it


Well-known member
ooh, I really like this, I like how you used a nude lip too, so it looks natural and everything too :)