new to the board


Well-known member
hello guys and gals.i happen to be reading on some information on mac(as i always love to do)and i stumbled on to this website.i'm very excited that i found this site,as i'm always willing to learn more about my passion in life. thanks to whoever is the founder of the board.


Well-known member
oh i really love it.i'm disappointed by the recent incident because i'm not able to view the previous post but i'm glad it's up and running.


Well-known member
wolcome to specktra raphdiaz!!! if you have any questions, please let me or one of the other admins know!


Well-known member
welcome spellcaster!

wow you own store... that's great news, mayby not for wallet but hey


Well-known member
oh,i'm still on the site since this morning, and i'm loving it.i hope they can find the previous post soon....because i'm just anxious to know what the hot topics were.