Portfolio to work at MAC?


Well-known member
Ok, so I just lost my job.
I really need another job ASAP, so I rang my M.A.C counter, and yup they are looking for part-time people.
She asked me if I had retail experience (I do) and then said, ok just bring in your resume and portfolio.
Uhh, portfolio? I dont have one.
Im one week into my (8 week) make-up artistry course, should I just take in my resume and cover letter?
Should I just show them looks I've done? (note: I've only got pics of myself)

Or should I just wait til I've finished my make-up qualifications and got some MU experience?
I would usually just wait, but I need a job

Any advice is appreciated!

Oh, and is the hiring process in Australia different to the US?
Do we have "basic" here in Aust? Do the counters hire just "cashiers" or "sales assoc." who do recommendations but not make overs?


I don't work for MAC , but I do work for another line, but I would think that having something to show of your work is better than nothing, especially since they asked for it. Just try to format it so it look as neat and professional as possible. Best of luck!


Well-known member
when i did the mac phone interview the woman mentioned if i have a portfolio to bring it in.. i said i didnt.. she just said well bring a few pictures to the interview and you should be fine


Well-known member
I've heard that in the US, it's not neccessary (sp) to have a portfolio when you first apply but as you ork your way up in positions it's good to have one... but I'm not 100% sure. I don't know shit about what Australia's policy is.