Private Practice - Season 3?


Well-known member
Yesterday we could watch the final episode of season 2 here in German TV.

I know season 3 will start in October 2009 in the US, so maybe next spring here.

But does anyone already know how it will go on? What will happen to Violet and the baby?


Well-known member


Well-known member
I was bad and looked for spoilers

*warning spoilers*

and I've read that someone will come and help her so she will live but I don't know about her baby.


Well-known member
The third season has started here now and I love it as much as I have loved season 1 and 2.

The most I love Addison's style - it really inspires me a lot at the moment.


Well-known member
I don't watch PP but i do watch Grey's Anatomy. I love Addison too! and I didn't want her to leave GA