Something not too smelly


New member
I dont know if this goes here or under recs... sorry guys...

I never use perfume... sometimes a light body spreay but never perfume because my allergies are really strong and immediately after I spray perfume or anyone around me does I start to sneeze and my eyes start to get itchy and super watery (not good for the makeup)... but I would like to wear perfume once in a while for a special occasion or something so I was wondering if anyone could tell me of something good to buy... soft... not to smelly!!!


Well-known member
Have you tried the Demeter fragrance line? They aren't so much perfumes as they are fragrance sprays. I have a hard time with some perfumes but I have never had a problem with any of these. I think it's because they only last a few hours. They are worth checking out.


Well-known member
Philosophy Amazing Grace is a very subtle scent. They describe it as smelling like yourself but better.
Philosophy’s best-selling fragrance, Amazing Grace has been amazing people with its addictively clean scent for years. A feminine blend of soft flower blossoms and light musk, wearing Grace is just like wearing your best color or perfectly cut jeans. In it, people notice only you


New member
Oh I agree Amazing Grace is very nice and light. You can get it at Sephora.

Also YvesRocher sells a very nice one called Fraîcheur Végétale Honeysuckle Eau de Cologne. It is a nice light fresh honeysuckle smell.
They are having a sell right now it's BOGOF. I like most things I get from YvesRocher but I've never really tried their m/u. Just mainly body and skin care.
I hope this link works

If the link does not work go to click on fragrances click on Fresh & Green Clean scents or in that Fresh and Green Clean scents next to Fraîcheur Végétale you will see honeysuckle click on that.


New member
thanks so much guys!!!


Well-known member
I like Stila Creme Bouquet. I have it a little roll on bottle and it's the only fragrance I'd wear to the office. Very soft clean floral with vanilla.