Sookie Stackhouse Novels


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I just finished the last book Dead in the Family and I hate to say I was a bit disappointed. I was so looking forward to this book but I spent the first half of the book waiting for something big to happen and the rest wondering if it was the book or if my expectations were just too high. I would be interested to hear other people thoughts.


Well-known member
^^^nope u pretty much got it,
i thought i was expecting too much out of it also, but seriously, this other YA series I am currently loving Richelle Mead, Vampire Academy books, the newest one of that came out around the same time, and it was such a good book i hoped and just really expected to love the Sookie one also, but it didnt happen for me. =(


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Originally Posted by tarnii
I just finished the last book Dead in the Family and I hate to say I was a bit disappointed. I was so looking forward to this book but I spent the first half of the book waiting for something big to happen and the rest wondering if it was the book or if my expectations were just too high. I would be interested to hear other people thoughts.

i'm going to start that one this weekend, now that i'm done with lover mine. i hope it's good, but don't think it's going to compare to bdb.
ok..i'm not going to be negative.


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Here's my review of her latest book Dead in the Family:

After the cliffhanger in the last book and the cathartic events leading up to Sookie's torture in Book 9, I was so looking forward to Book 10. I felt that Sookie's relationships to Eric and Bill were hanging in the balance, and that Book 10 would provide a continuation and resolution of those events. I was personally glad the whole fairy part of the series seemed to be pretty much done with, so Harris could once again focus on the vampires. I really expected her to resolve her relationship issues with Bill, but he only appeared very briefly in Dead In The Family. I felt this relationship deserved more than just Bill's healing by calling in his "sister" - it seemed really flat and anti-climactic.

Sookie's relationship with Eric also didn't advance or deepen, it seemed that all she wanted from Eric was hot sex. This seemed so shallow and just "romance novel fodder", there really wasn't any development of their bond or serious discussion of Sookie turning into a vampire, or a real marriage. These aspects seemed to be just at the back of her mind, all she wanted was to see Eric and have sex, completely bored with any of the vampire history. Not to mention that the main plot, or lack thereof, was just a string of short escapades into various family relationships between secondary and minor characters. Everything from Tara's pregnancy, Sam's family turmoils, and the Bellefleurs was discussed at length - I didn't feel like this added anything at all to the book, in fact it bored me to tears and I often skipped through it.

The mystery element of the story, which is something I've come to the love about the series, was so minor that it was barely delved into throughout the book, only to be resolved at the end in a few pages where again a few bad guys die and all the good guys live. The weres were only symbolically involved, to the point where I felt the author only included them in the book to give a supernatural feel to an otherwise boring narrative. There was no real adventure or mystery for Sookie to embark on, which I really missed. Combined with an often tedious description of day to day events, minor details of uninteresting characters' family relationships, and a lack of the deepening relationship between Sookie and Eric and/or Bill, it all left me really disappointed.

I thought that with the huge success of True Blood on HBO, Harris would be inspired and energized to bring new life and complexity to the series, but it seems like she has - simply put - run out of ideas. A shame, since the initial Sookie Stackhouse story had so many creative, entertaining and engaging elements. I'm not sure if I will read the next book, if the author writes one, but if I do it will be with a lot less enthusiasm, and I'll probably look for the book in the half-off bin at the bookstore.


Well-known member
I completely agree with your review of the last book. I finished it quite a while ago and was just sorta.. meh about the whole thing. I let my friend borrow it right after I finished, but my lack of enthusiasm has kept her from reading it yet!
I still have hope that the next one will be amazing.. Assuming she writes another one... I've loved the series for too long to not give Harris another shot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by blondie711
i know tv eric is hot, but book eric is so much hotter, imo. as the books go on he justs gets better. bill is such a whiner!

i think book eric is way hotter too, but i cant stand him always calling Sookie 'my lover'


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10th Sookie Stakehouse book (Dead in the Family) & 11th book

Hey is anyone else out there reading it with me? I am obsessed with these books and I am so sad I am on the last one =[. Does anyone know when the 11th book will be coming out (I heard it was called Dead Letters)!


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Seeing how the last one was complete horseshit I won't be reading any more of her books. Charlaine Harris has just plain run out of ideas and is beating a dead horse - or shall we say her prized cash cow?


Well-known member
=o! really? I am not done with the last book yet but I am liking it. I am just curious, without giving away the story, what didn't you like?


Well-known member
I read it when it first came out. I liked it.... but the ending sucked. I bought it in ebook format and actually thought I bought an unfinished version. I went to the book store, and opened it up to read the last page and to my surprise, I read the full version. lol. It felt unfinished to me, not "leave you hanging", but just simply unfinished. I will read the next one, but book 10 was the worst for sure.


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thats so depressing lol! im at the part when his maker Appius Livius Ocella comes to Sookie's house. Once I finish the book I'll let you guys know if I agree w ya


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I have read every single one of these, yes, EVERY one, even the novellas and whatnot. I have also watched every single episode of true blood.
The books... hit a crescendo somewhere between 4-5 and then progressively got worse. The last book, Dead reckoning was crap. Seriously. Is it just me or does Charlaine Harris' writing gets worst? I'm sorry if its mean but i have read over 2000 books these past few years and I have set a standard for the books I read. I know that Not all writers have an equal vocab and skill but I've read all the sookie stackhouses and thats what I felt about her writing. Her plotlines are getting worse too and her endings? Its like she just accidentally cut halfway through the end and left it there. Its not even an ending.
I know its hard for authors to keep pumping out books of the same series but Nora Roberts has been pumping out so many of the In Death series [under J.D Robb] that I dont even know how many there are! Sherrilyn Kenyon has also pumped out so many of her dark hunters series and they all end up as good as all the rest! Sure, there are some misses but generally they are awesome books that draw me in until I absolutely have to finish it before doing something else!
Every author and series has a time they should stop writing and I think Charlaine harris' time has come. The only thing thats changing in her books is the amount of magical beings and the quality. I will continue to read, if only for Eric.

Note: This is my own personal opinion and everybody has a right to disagree or agree.


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@missah, I agree with you after about 5-6 for me, they started to just go nowhere. the last two books were HUGE disappointments to me. It feels forced like the author doesn't know what to write about anymore. Sometimes I feel these series have got to end somewhere. I was soooo happy with the Sookie/Eric story line, but now its just annoying! Like figure it out already...i just feel let down since ive spent a few yrs and a few dollars getting every book..You mention the Dark Hunter series, I have absolutely loved some and then hated others and I think that has to do with how long and drawn out the series is, even one of my fave paranormal series, Kresley Cole's IAD I hadnt had a problem with but one of hers, the last few books have started to lose me.


Well-known member
@missah, I agree with you after about 5-6 for me, they started to just go nowhere. the last two books were HUGE disappointments to me. It feels forced like the author doesn't know what to write about anymore. Sometimes I feel these series have got to end somewhere. I was soooo happy with the Sookie/Eric story line, but now its just annoying! Like figure it out already...i just feel let down since ive spent a few yrs and a few dollars getting every book..You mention the Dark Hunter series, I have absolutely loved some and then hated others and I think that has to do with how long and drawn out the series is, even one of my fave paranormal series, Kresley Cole's IAD I hadnt had a problem with but one of hers, the last few books have started to lose me.
The tv show isnt looking that good either... I know what you mean! I spent $33 on the 2nd last book and was a letdown! I cant even look at it anymore since theres a snake on the cover I didnt realise until i got home! I have a fear of snakes...
I read the first real ones lol. I stopped after archerons one I think, but I've read a few sicne then but they arent as good as the original ones she wrote. You should try Lynsay Sands:) Hers are vampires that sound super hot!