What to do in my situation?


Well-known member
My parents have been fighting for the last couple months...my dad thinks my mom is cheating on him while hes going on his trips for his job. And my mom thinks he had cheated on her while he was on a trip. I dont know who to believe I seem to be in the middle of everything since they both keep asking me thinks about eachother that I dont know and cant answer. So to make this story short. My mom has been asking me when my bf, little brother and I what time we were leaving to go see the Harry Potter movie. So I was like probably around 3:30. Cause she was having friends over. She said she met some new girlfriends and gonna envite a few guys because her friends know them. So I was like ok I didnt think anything about it cause both my parents party a lot especially my mom. My dad doesnt so much anymore cause he has a lot of work.

So after we watched the movie my mom and her friends were gone cause they went out to the clubs and my mom wasnt gonna be here the whole weekend cause she was staying at her friends house and so I had my bf spend the night which she said it was totally fine. So the next morning my brother came in my room and was like "I found a condom in moms room"...to my bf and then my bf told me and I looked and was like suprised. At first I was like "oh its probably my moms friend that hooked up with a guy." Then later on my bf was looking around the house and noticed something and I noticed it too. My dads pictures were all gone! So I looked in the dresser and there you go all my dads pictures hidden. I was so scared and hurt I didnt know what to think. My bf got really pissed and lost respect for my mom. I was trying to find a way to think it wasnt her... but my dads hidden pictures justified it all.

Now my bf wants to confront her even though its not his mom this just got him really mad and he felt sad for me. What should I do?


Well-known member
My mom did that basically for several years. My parents are now seperated. Your mom should tell your dad, but you really can't stop your mom from doing what she's gonna do.
You should talk to your mom about this, as calmly as possible, before your b/f does.


Well-known member
Wow, I'm so sorry that you are in the middle of something like this. Your parents are both wrong to put all of this on you - you are their child, not a friend or buddy, and you shouldn't have to deal with the problems in their relationship.

I definitely agree with Pumpkincat about talking with your mother.

Good luck.


Well-known member
Its not your responsibility at all in this situation, I am sorry for your parents and can't imagine how rotten they must feel to be acting like that behind each others back. I also do not think you should be in the middle and make that clear because if you love both your parents they shouldn't alienate you nor you them against you.

I think you should talk to your Mom and Dad- its sad that you had to find out and now figure out what you want to do about the situation with your Dad -
::::thankfully I'm the young end of the generation of the people whose parents only had sex for conceiving "me" :::::::: You are in a situation that I wouldn't wish on anyone.


Well-known member
Im so sorry that you are in the middle of this. but i think you should confront your mom and just let her know that you know.and hopefully she will be honest with your dad.


Well-known member
wow! yea, i'm sorry your've been put through this. I praise you for being so strong! geez, i personally don't think it's your bf's right to confront your mum like that, maybe you should do it instead as the last thing you want also is if your parents start hating your bf...


Well-known member
i think that you should talk to her before your bf does. i dont think it will go over as well if he does it cause its something that concerns you more.


Well-known member
thanks girls my bf didnt confront her and I havent confronted her yet. Its still questionable. My parents are doing fine. But when she came bak the condom was gone. I dont know I just dont want to deal with it I will let them work things out.