Which settings...


Well-known member
do you use, when taking a photo for fotd or eotd? I get crazy, I can't find the best settings, that show the colours right!


Well-known member
Hi Midgard, I moved this thread because the 'say cheese' forum is for pictures only.

As an answer to your question I would say, just figure out what works the best for you!

try to make a picture next to the window, and make one on the bathroom, where there isn't any sunlight.

I allways make pictures from my whole face, even when I want an EOFT. I open the picture in microsoft paint, and select a piece I want. that way the pictures are sharper then they are when I resize the whole pic.

good luck!!


Well-known member
If you're trying to get a close-up picture of your face, or a particular part of your face and you find it's coming out blurry, you'll want to use the macro mode on your digital camera (the button with the little flower on it). I worked at Best Buy selling cameras a couple of years ago, and found that the cheaper (not "cheap" ones, per se, but the ones that don't cost an arm and a leg) cameras are just really picky about focusing on things when you're trying to take a picture close up, but the macro mode is really the best way to deal with it. If that doesn't work, I agree with groupie...take a picture of the whole face on the highest resolution and resize.

Also, on a more personal preference in photography note, nothing will wash out colors in a picture more than trying to take a picture of a backlit subject, i.e. one with a strong light source visible behind it, particularly when using a flash. Basically, if someone is taking a picture of you outside, or in a room with a lamp or something, you want the light or the sun behind the person taking the picture, not behind what the picture is being taken of. I hope that makes sense, and helps.