So many employees



I'm a MUA and thinking of getting a job at a counter. What concerns me is that there seem to be so many employees at all the counters but hardly any customers. Sometimes, I'm the only one walking through. How do they expect you to meet a daily quota when there are so many employees standing around and no customers? Thank you!


Well-known member
I think you might have wrong impression. It really depends on the location and how busy the store is usually. Beauty retail is more often understaffed than overstaffed especially on weekends


that is very good to know. Thank you for putting my mind at ease.
I work in a luxury department store that generally can appear really slow. Every retailer is set up different. Sometimes there will be artists whose jobs are specifically to just sit down people and sell and the beauty advisor just rings out the sale and assists. In my retailer, we have to make a certain percent of our line and as long as you know how to do your job, it's really easy. It's all about quality sales over quantity. Is it sometimes overstaffed? Absolutely. Has it ever effected me? Nope.