On-Call for Macy's Cosmetics


New member
I have been looking for a job for a few months now, and I finally was able to go through the interview process for Clinique at a Macy's. Well, the Department manager said that she would only be able to hire me as on-call until they have something that is available and matches my schedule. I go in on Friday to sign papers and what not (I do really want to be involved in cosmetics) but I am just worried about having a steady paycheck and how much I am going to actually be able to work. Does anyone know the steadiness of hours for an on-call at Macys? Or how long it usually takes to get a permanent job? Or how the training is, as in would I be training with Clinique or just doing a normal training for Macy's in general? Any help is so much appreciated, I am just worried I am going to take a job that isn't going to provide with my needs. Thanks a bunch ladys!


Well-known member
I don't think I've ever heard of Macy's having on-call for cosmetics... the cosmetic lines usually have artists and other on call employees they will send to stores during gala's and gifts. But it might be something new with Macy's seeing as they've been cutting and eliminating positions... we only have 1 full and 1 part timer in our fragrance dept now so who know how they will handle the Holidays?

Did you do Talent Plus with someone from Clinique? If not, you will definately just be working with Macy's in general and I'm betting will be filling in during Fall Gala, gifts and the Holidays as a ringer/runner. But definately ask HR to find out for sure. It could be a step up to a permanent position with one of the lines if they like what they see

Congrats on the new job in any case!


Well-known member

I worked for Macy's cosmetics as an on-call a few years ago. I actually really liked it, and it was fun to be able to work at every counter and become familiar with all the products. Its a little bit harder at first though because you have to learn more than someone who just works at one counter.

When I worked there, I could have worked as much or as little as I wanted. There was never a shortage of work, and if I felt it getting kind of slow, I would walk around to all the counters and ask if anyone needed shifts covered. However, I heard that a lot of the other on-calls weren't working as much as they wanted. I think it just depends on the person, and the relationships you make with the counter girls and the counter managers. They have all the on-call phone numbers and get to choose who they want to call when they need a shift covered. I found myself working a lot at Chanel, Lancome and Clinique but rarely ever at Dior or Estee Lauder.

As far as training, you don't get to go to the training days for the lines. You just do the Macy's training and are put on the floor. It was good though because there while you are given a goal for the day, not as much pressure is put on you. Of course, the more you sell, the more they will probably want to call you when they need you.

I was offered a full-time position at several of the counters within a month. I thought that's what I wanted, but found out I was way happier doing on-call! Again, it depends on you and if you fit in well with the counters. There were a few other on-call girls who were desperate to be hired by a counter, that never were offered the position.



Well-known member
Yeah the on-call thing is weird to me because at my store we have never had such a thing. I mean we would have random people that were contingient come in and ring for us when we had gift with purchase (I'm in Clinique) but that was the only time ever besides fragrance getting a couple people during christmas and they were trained only for Macy's so no body ever had a clue what anything in our line was. It's bad this year though because our store is going to give hours to regular people this year because we are not going to hire any seasonal at all, well it's bad because theres no extra help but good because we get hours. Good luck to you in trying to get a permanent job! I don't know what region you are in but I know here in my general area their on a hiring freeze unless somebody quits and even then its questionable if they'll fill that spot..


New member
Hi Girls!
Thanks all soo much for giving me any of the information you have. I will definitely keep you posted on what happens when I ask the HR on some of the details. If any of you wanted a little more background on the situation. I basically went through the whole interview process for both Macy's and Clinique (including talent plus). From what the Clinique counter manager had told me, I had done very well and was even given an option on where I would want to work. She had made it seem as though they were looking for someone to work 30 hours a week, which would be perfect for me as I wanted part time. However, when I received the call from the department manager, she wanted to hire for on-call I am not sure if they were hiring for that position or not. Do you guys think I should inquire about that when I go in to see her later this week? This is a Macy's in San Diego, so I am unsure if it is going through a hiring freeze as well. On another note, I actually went through the whole interview process for another clinique at another Macy's and they said they would call me back for sure, and the talent plus lady said I was perfect for Clinique. So that may be an option... should I hold off any jobs until then?

Sooo sorry for this confusing story of my job life haha. I really though loved that you guys all helped me out. It has eased my troubles quite a bit!


Well-known member
Which Macy's is it in SD??

I worked at Fashion Valley which might explain why nobody else has heard of the on-call position if we're talking about the same one!


New member
Originally Posted by Lipglass*Whore
Which Macy's is it in SD??

I worked at Fashion Valley which might explain why nobody else has heard of the on-call position if we're talking about the same one!

It is Horton Plaza. Then I am still waiting to hear back up in North County Fair.


Well-known member
sorry this is off topic,does anyone know how much is the discount for cosmetics if you work at Macy's but not on the cosmetic counter?TIA