estee lauder-talent plus advice?


New member
So I am super stoked!

I applied for a beauty advisor position in my local Macy's and it happened to be for EL! I had an interview with Macy's, an brief interview with the counter manager, an interview with the counter executive, a brief phone interview with the account executive and now tomorrow I'm going to have the talent plus interview (also over the phone) with the account executive.. SUCH A LONG PROCESS!!! So I am hoping it will be worth it!

Anyway, this is not only my first retail job, but also my first cosmetics related job! I am so excited I have a large passion for makeup and this is just amazing that i've gotten this far with such little experience!!

Soo.. getting to the point.. has anyone done a talent plus interview before? what are some questions they ask?? i know its like a half hour, no feedback, strictly questions type of interview; but i want to be prepared as to what type of question to expect.. is it hard??



Well-known member
Basically we are on the same page right now... except I already did my talent plus interview and then got asked to come in for a face 2 face. Went to face 2 face and now I'm meeting with the counter manager tomorrow.
They're going to ask you A LOT of questions but it's pretty much like any job would. Things like..."How positive you are...scale 1 till 10" or "Do you prefer to land a sale by product knowledge or service?" " How do you feel about co workers the complain too much" " what you would do if you're not a good mood" "Have you won any prizes or awards?" Trust me... it's a LONG interview even though it's only 30 min.... but basically it's 30 min of you talking no feedback. They ask you a million questions... just because they're trying to figure you out. Will be pretty much about you previous experience, your qualities and why would you like to work for EL. Be yourself. Be honest. Don't be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat the question in case you didn't exactly understood what they were asking. Try to be on a very happy and positive mood. Good lucK!


New member
Hi all!
I have worked for the e.l. company for 4 years and just went to a tallent plus seminar 2 days ago. Learned a lot about the interview process. Tallent plus is a company that has been identifing behaviors in potential employees for 50 years. They are looking for certain things and that is NOT someone who just loves make-up. They want someone with the ability to sell a used car if need be, marketing skills, problem solvers, relationship builders, energizers, someone with new ideas on driving basic buisness, and most of all they want answers and it is NOT "I love make-up". Anyone can learn how to apply eyeshadow, don't get me wrong some are better than others, but this is a luxury line of products and you have to sell yourself. People are going to come to Estee lauder, MAC etc to see the person that fills up their emotional tank, makes them feel good, and knows their stuff, stands behind it, and offers exeptional sales and service. Q. How do you handle negative people in a work environment Suzie? A. I KNOW that all negative can be turned into positive and positive behavior is contagious! Focusing on the customer and their needs leaves little room for negativity in the work place.
Answers are good. Aspiring business people are even better. Good Luck all!


Well-known member
Yep what the previous poster said! I have been with Clinique for 3 years now and I had to do a Talent Plus also. It's basically questions on how you would react or do in a situation with a customer, but it is also questions that try to see what your personality is like and how it would fit in the company like if your more business, customer service oriented, etc. Just take a deep breath and be yourself. Although I will say Macy's isn't the greatest place to work for (I work for them and hate it) it is a way to get in the industry! Good luck!


New member
Just had my Talent Plus interview for an Estee Lauder position yesterday and found everyone's advice so helpful, I thought I would pay it forward and add to the comments everyone has made.

Absolutely relax and be your best, most confident self. People who sell cosmetics for a living are not only good at makeup artistry, they are also confident in their product knowledge and sales ability. Let's face it, no matter how the company slices and dices it, they want people who are productive and sell well. That being said, they are going to ask you A LOT of questions. The questions are designed to not have a right or wrong answer so that they may decipher if your personality is suited to the position you are applying for.

They will start off asking about your work experience. They will ask you why you are applying for the position. Here are some of the questions you can expect (these are in no particular order):

Do you consider yourself an honest person? How would you rate yourself in honesty on a scale of 1-10? Please give a situation where you acted honestly. What would you do if you saw a co-worker doing something dishonest, like stealing? How would you handle a co-worker that was complaining? How would you handle a customer that was complaining? Give an example of how you turned a negative situation into a positive situation. Do you like to work in a quiet and serene environment or would you like to work in an intense and busy environment? Do you consider yourself a positive person? Rate your positive attitude on a scale of 1-10. Can you give a situation where you acted in a positive manner? Do you like to work alone or as a team? Have you worked in a situation where you have to make goals? Do you make your goals? Do you consider yourself a high achiever? Do you consider yourself an assertive person? Do you think having friends in the work environment is important? Do you do a better job than your co-workers? Do you consider yourself someone who is good at assessing a person or a situation? Give an example where you assessed a person well. Do you prefer to sell from product knowledge or from experience?

And there's a million more questions where these came from. It's amazing what they packed into a half hour. I felt like I gave a pint of blood when it was over lol.

Please keep in mind the job that you are applying for and answer appropriately for that job situation. If you're applying for a job at Macy's Herald Square and say you prefer to work alone and in a quiet atmosphere, don't be shocked if you don't get the position. So answer wisely based on the position you are going for.

Focus on customer service, having a positive attitude, selling well and making your goals and you will be just fine - good luck!


New member
Hi Amber,

Did you end up getting the job?

Just had my Talent Plus interview for an Estee Lauder position yesterday and found everyone's advice so helpful, I thought I would pay it forward and add to the comments everyone has made.

Absolutely relax and be your best, most confident self. People who sell cosmetics for a living are not only good at makeup artistry, they are also confident in their product knowledge and sales ability. Let's face it, no matter how the company slices and dices it, they want people who are productive and sell well. That being said, they are going to ask you A LOT of questions. The questions are designed to not have a right or wrong answer so that they may decipher if your personality is suited to the position you are applying for.

They will start off asking about your work experience. They will ask you why you are applying for the position. Here are some of the questions you can expect (these are in no particular order):

Do you consider yourself an honest person? How would you rate yourself in honesty on a scale of 1-10? Please give a situation where you acted honestly. What would you do if you saw a co-worker doing something dishonest, like stealing? How would you handle a co-worker that was complaining? How would you handle a customer that was complaining? Give an example of how you turned a negative situation into a positive situation. Do you like to work in a quiet and serene environment or would you like to work in an intense and busy environment? Do you consider yourself a positive person? Rate your positive attitude on a scale of 1-10. Can you give a situation where you acted in a positive manner? Do you like to work alone or as a team? Have you worked in a situation where you have to make goals? Do you make your goals? Do you consider yourself a high achiever? Do you consider yourself an assertive person? Do you think having friends in the work environment is important? Do you do a better job than your co-workers? Do you consider yourself someone who is good at assessing a person or a situation? Give an example where you assessed a person well. Do you prefer to sell from product knowledge or from experience?

And there's a million more questions where these came from. It's amazing what they packed into a half hour. I felt like I gave a pint of blood when it was over lol.

Please keep in mind the job that you are applying for and answer appropriately for that job situation. If you're applying for a job at Macy's Herald Square and say you prefer to work alone and in a quiet atmosphere, don't be shocked if you don't get the position. So answer wisely based on the position you are going for.

Focus on customer service, having a positive attitude, selling well and making your goals and you will be just fine - good luck!


New member
I too had a long interview process with clinique. It was 2 months of interviews. In the interviews the counter manager and executive manager said they loved me and wanted to hire me immediately. But the next step was the talent plus interview. I however didn't pass it and I really don't understand why...I answered the questions honestly, accurately and consistent.

I really would like to know what "good" answers are because I felt that mine were good. I want to reapply but I am scared to fail this test again. Any advice?


New member
Hi Andrea,

I also just took the Talent Plus Interview and didn't pass?????? With that being said I must also add that I was a very successful Clinique counter manager from 1995 through 2000. I left on very good terms to take another job offer that I had received. I was recently laid off and ran into one of my Clinique friends who begged me to re-apply at Clinique as they were needing a counter manager at the same store. I had a very successful interview with the store manager, as well as the assistant manager and they wanted to hire me immediately. Last Thursday I had the Talent Plus interview and thought I had done very well, and honestly, I have absolutely no idea what they were looking for..... My answers to their questions were directly related to my beliefs from my past experience with Clinique: obtaining counter goals and setting new goals to exceed standards, exceptional customer service, product knowledge, following up with customers via phone or email, and learning and understanding my associates skills and abilities and how to motivate them etc. to just name a few. I spoke with the store manager today about this and she is completely shocked and disgusted over my "interview" results, and went on to say that she had two people she loved for the Lauder counted fail their test in the last week too. She is starting to question the validity of this type of interview as she believes that you can't get a good sense of someones personality and skills unless you have a "face to face" interview. She thinks if the Clinique area manager would have taken the time to interview me in person that he would have hired me as well. Unfortunately this is probably of no help to you, but I thought I would at least share my personal experience from a very impersonal interview. I wish you well :)


New member
I too didn't do well on the talent plus phone interview, and Macy's HS wouldn't hire me because of it (even though I am a Clinique AC and have worked there a dozen + times). Does anyone know if you can do the Talent Plus interview again? How long before you can take it again?
Thanks again for any advice or information!


New member
Becky 823,

I work for Origins at Macy's which is part of the Estee Lauder Family. In answer to your question about retaking Talent Plus, I've been told by my account executive that it's a one-shot deal. That being said, exceptions can be made. They are not advertised, but if a candidate interviews well with the Cosmetics Manager at Macy's and then the Counter Manager and the Account Executive for the line of cosmetics all agree the person is the right candidate, they can still be hired. It doesn't happen often, but can happen. So don't give up. If you really want to work in cosmetics, keep pursuing it. This policy may vary from line to line. Estee Lauder owns many lines, including Clinique, Origins, MAC, Bobbi Brown, Smash Box. However, there are other lines that do not require the talent plus process as they are not part of Estee Lauder, Inc., such as Lancome, Elizabeth Arden, Clairins and Shiseido to name a few.
Hope this helps!


Omg ! I just got a phone interview with Estée Lauder tonight. She talked so fast. My voice almost gone after the interview. I did not do too well. I asked her how would u know that I will pass it? She said she will hand this interview result to the next person and if I get selected They will let me know. I have 2nd interview with Macy's again tomorrow. Hopefully I can get a job:)
When I took the talent plus I thought I didn't do so well but apparently I did because I'm now an Estee Lauder BA! Its all about your. Work personality and the decisions you would make!


New member
Hello all. I found this doing a google search about talentplus. I have to say that I too am shocked after finding out today that I did not pass this. I worked for MAC for 3 years and then went on to manage a retail store. Its now been about 4 years and I am waiting to get back into cosmetics, I had a great interview with the department mgr for bloomies, the account executive, and then talent plus was the last thing, and I didn't pass. I really don't know.. I'm seriously stumped. I'm wondering if this test can be taken again? Does this mean that I won't have any success with any of the Lauder brands from now on? Thanks in advance for your input.


New member
I also didn't do well in my recent Talent Plus interview. I have been working retail at high end companies for over 5 years and I have worked at stores such as Sephora and Ulta Cosmetics. I was also recruited and offered a position to work with Bare Escentials recently. My interviewer actually kept cutting me off while I was speaking and gave me attitude when I asked if she could please repeat that question. I was a cheerleader in high school too. So, I have my abnoxious bubble nature when I'm excited and I was very excited for this interview. I don't really know what went wrong, but I honestly felt the hate "vibes" from my interviewer and I'm not sure why... Hopefully I get to try again for another brand under their company umbrella.
Does anyone know how long it takes to get the results or hear back after the talent plus phone interview? I took mine Thursday and have not heard back yet. Does anyone notify you if you fail? I thought the questions had absolutely nothing to do with personality. Are you honest? DUH! Who would say no? Do your co workers like you? Um. no they hate my guts. how should one dress for work? Professionally, obviously! Come on! These questions really were not very thought provoking or indicitative of a persons personality. I'm starting to question this talent + company and considering contacting someone about some type of audit or investigation of them.......


Well-known member
When you hear back varies. The Talent Plus results will be passed on to the people making hiring decisions and then based upon your "Talents" a decision will be made if you'll fit into the existing team at the Counter. You should be notified if you aren't hired, most likely from the store you applied at (Macys, Nordstrom, Dilliards, etc).

Talent + works. If it didn't, the EL group would not be using it. After taking the test and seeing my top three "Talents" I couldn't believe how spot on they were in describing how I like to work, what kind of encouragement/coaching works for me, etc.

In any case, good luck!
thank you for your reply. i am very nervous now my interview was last Thursday n I havent heard anything :'(.......I am just really confused how some of the questions can really be that telling......some of the questions were very situational, for example "has a friend ever asked you for advice?' (A rather obvious yes) and then give a recent example. So i gave my answer but that could vary a year from now and be a different example. And other question the same way. It was either questions majority of people answer the same, or a situational question that could vary in the future.....Idk how that helps them but i hope I hear good news back :'(. Thanks again for the information :)..