MAC Bloggers Obsessions Discussion


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Yup. You can definitely tell the difference between VP and Frost. You can tell just by swatching. I wish there were more permanent and limited edition VP's.


Well-known member
After an unexpected makeup purchase today - damn Sephora's are everywhere in Los Angeles - my list has narrowed down to JW, Sonoran Rain, Caqui, and possibly HP. If what MAC is saying is true & this collection will actually be available for 6 weeks, then I will get the first three next week and HP in about a month.


Well-known member
If what MAC is saying is true & this collection will actually be available for 6 weeks



Well-known member
I have been going back back and forth with my choices for this collection all weekend. At first I was sold on just getting JW and ALMP, until I really started to look at more swatches. I am now for sure getting AMPL, Caqui and JW.

Caqui because I need an orange like that in my life, like right now. I am toying with AMPL because the swatches I am seeing are different on everyone. Its the lighting and different skin tones I know, but I figure that its such a true and cool purple that it will go well with some of my favorite liners, like Currant, Nightmoth and Vino.

I even thought about SNS and Parisian Skies... maybe on the 2nd go round. I feel like I need to order my 3 faves first and then pick those up maybe later in the week, even HP looks pretty (and I love the initials HP, being an Harry Potter fan... the name Hocus Pocus connects like that for me) I like Nitro:licious too. but later...

SNS looks like a great brown that I can use as a nuetral, but the the glitter factor is making me wait a bit. I hope its around come Friday... maybe. I am so excited for tomorrow night 12am!


Well-known member
Hmm is it possible that all I want is JW? I like the looks of the other shadows but.. Money is really tight. And I'm totally passing on the lipglasses so those are out.


Well-known member
[quote name="2browneyes" url="/forum/thread/174878/mac-bloggers-obsessions-discussion/900#post_2131447"] My site stalking has begun...smh
[/quote] Oh, no already! :lmao: Wow. I guess I need to start, too. I've come into a nice bit of money and I am tempted to buy all, but I need to maintain my sanity. Maybe I will crack and buy Caqui? Nah. I still stand by JW, Caqui and Hocus Pocus. I have way too many lipglasses and I prefer lipstick these days.


Well-known member
At this point I've narrowed it down to only getting one Hocus Pocus...and that's it. Hoping I don't need to spend $50 for free shipping, otherwise I may throw in some perm shadows I've been eyeing...or maybe the cleanse off oil.


Well-known member
Well I guess while we're sitting here site-stalking...what would be good shadows to go with Hocus Pocus? This will be my first grey, and I would like to add a shade lighter and shade darker to buy with it. I have Typographic and Black Tied, but since HP is a brown-grey I wonder if those would be too harsh. What do you think of Vex and Copperplate?


Well-known member
I've gotta stalk...I'm afraid that AMPL will sell out first, and that's what I want most from this collection

I keep going back and forth on SNS. It's sooo pretty, but I'm almost positive that I have a similar shade in my stash from NYX


Well-known member
yes it is! Actually I think I have two similar shades from NYX. One from their original Nude on Nude palette, which is more shimmery than glittery. And the other is an eyeshadow single. I can't think of the name of it at the moment, but the brown is darker than the brown of SNS. The eyeshadow single, however, also has glitter like SNS


Well-known member
For Father's Day I am taking DH & kids to lunch and to see "Mr. Popper's Penguins." This evening I will start stalking. My kids are still part of the Dora & Diego loving, Toy Story & Cars watching crowd.