MAC Holiday 2012 Glamour Daze / Fabulousness / Guilty Passions Collection Discussion


Well-known member
but do I really need to go when I'm getting so much new stuff today? ya.... I think so lol something is jet telling me to go there
Have you been to that CCO before? I never find anything good there. The CCO in Vegas had so much good stuff it was unreal.

honey on boost

Well-known member
Yikes lol beauty is not very beautiful on me
oh no! Now I'm wondering if I should try it.. I don't want to look like ashy larry


Well-known member
You did VERY well for someone who was going to skip this collection. Great choices! So glad you joined the insanity. ENJOY

So, that's it. Everything else was totally uninteresting to me. The other EDES are all shades I've seen a million times and Innocence and Beauty lipsticks look dreadful on my skin.
The black, sparkly nail polish was nice, but I'm not a fan of Mac polish. I'd rather get Zoya or China Glaze for a few more bucks.


Well-known member
So, that's it. Everything else was totally uninteresting to me. The other EDES are all shades I've seen a million times and Innocence and Beauty lipsticks look dreadful on my skin.
The black, sparkly nail polish was nice, but I'm not a fan of Mac polish. I'd rather get Zoya or China Glaze for a few more bucks. come you were able to buy the gloss set and leave with it today? Nordstroms told me I had to pick it up Nov 8...I ordered the rose set and the coral set. I wish I could just have ordered the colors I wanted and got one set


Well-known member
[COLOR=9900CC]I would hope that MAC will restock the website eventually, since this is the holiday collection. Crossing my fingers that you don't get skipper's remorse![/COLOR]
crossin myfingers too. I was thinking of goin to the prostore downtown tomorrow, but i dont go for just 1 gloss thats if they have it. Its still up on macys too just don't want to pay reg price lol.


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Staff member
i will. i ordered
4 Majorelle Blue


Exaggerated Lashes - Waterproof
No4 Vibrant Violet

i went by how bright the circles look

I'm going to order the YSL nail polish in the exact same shade. Probably together with Small Vanity blush when GD launches here. My plan was to order the Bobbi Brown lippie I wanted, but they won't have those in yet when GD laucnhes, so I need to get something else to qualify for free shipping and also use my 5 Euro off code. And I've been lemming that n/p for a while now.


Well-known member

thanks for the link im not getting the blush but i did see that YSL 15% off coupon. im in trouble now... ii have been wanting to try their colored mascaras
Yeah I ended up buying Opera Rose l/s. I was going to get it at Sephora sale but since they didn't have one and I am not sure about the VIB sale I bought it.
I just picked up my (very small) pre-order at the counter, all I got was Ready to Party and the pink brush set. I'm actually really happy with the quality of the brushes, I wanted it to keep in my handbag for redoing my makeup after the gym or touching up if I'm heading out somewhere straight after uni and it does the job perfect for me!

While I was in the store I tried on Beauty lippie, OMG some weird colour cancelling happened and it literally just turned GREY on my lips, it was hideous! I've seen it look really good on some people though so don't know what's wrong with my lips! haha

Absolutely adore Ready to Party and thinking on going back for Round Midnight because it swatched beautifully! I'm also loving the guilty passions warm crushed pigments, the colours are very me! But I'm so clumsy I can't do pigments of any sort because I just end up making a huge mess and spilling them!


Well-known member
Yeah I ended up buying Opera Rose l/s. I was going to get it at Sephora sale but since they didn't have one and I am not sure about the VIB sale I bought it.
nice. i dont have any YSL lippies. im afraid im going to like them. im really mad at sephora right now. they have that 10% wheel. thats like telling me i dont have to pay taxes for my purchase
of not even $50.


Well-known member
Here are some swatches Top to bottom on the right: Small Vanity blush, Guilty Pleasures gloss set (Nicely Nude): Fashion Whim, Satin Slip, Get Rich Quick, Kiss Don't Tell Top to bottom on the left: Ready to Party shadow, Impossibly Sweet lipglass
Outrageously Fun lipstick
Glamourdaze lipstick