MAC Spring Trend Forecast Collection (Aug. 21, 2014, or upon receipt)

Sarah Townsend

Well-known member
The Casual Colors look cool, maybe not something I'd use enough of but I like them. And I agree with Nayandine that I'd like to try one of the lightest eye glosses but I'm not sure which yet.

Aubrey Devonne

Well-known member
Yes I saw your post but it was the day before it was set to launch and I wasn't sure if I missed something or not. Thanks for the info.


Well-known member
I think I will be picking the lip palette up. I quite enjoyed the fall lip palette and the colors are in regular circulation in my stash.
I don't think I can pull off the glossy eye look so more for everyone


Well-known member
I haven't done glossy eyes since high school! And that was with Vaseline! Got the idea from a Kevyn Aucoin lookbook. I wonder what the staying power is on that... It's probably really individual, don't know til u try


Well-known member
I can't wait for the eye gloss. I just read the description:

Studio Eye Gloss provides high shine and can be used to enhance pigments or provide a wash of gloss and a hint of colour when applied by itself. Make a dramatic statement with hues of Pearl Varnish, Lightly Tauped, Medoc and Noticeably Noir.
i found the description on here
found it by accident


Well-known member
Swatches courtesy of British Beauty Blogger!


Well-known member
Erine perhaps you can confirm or deny. These are really only good as eye makeup for a short term (photoshoot etc) as they will crease very quickly...


Well-known member
Erine perhaps you can confirm or deny. These are really only good as eye makeup for a short term (photoshoot etc) as they will crease very quickly...
I need to know this also, if that's all they do, then I can just keep using pigment and vaseline...


Well-known member
Erine perhaps you can confirm or deny. These are really only good as eye makeup for a short term (photoshoot etc) as they will crease very quickly...
:nods: That's why it's a pro-only release. These aren't a daily-friendly wear type of product. Not saying that someone can't, but it's gonna take a lot of maintenance. Mac Gloss texture is a better alternative tho to vaseline. Much lighter weight than vaseline, and less gooey :yuck: