Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
Current mani is EP September 2014 with Lottie To and FROW. September is so gorgeous, love it!

My Glam order has arrived from Hypnotic Polish. Love them all!

Beautiful mani - love both of those shades.
And dammit, I love your Glams too, I'd thought this collection was a bit too pastel for me, but some of those are.... calling my name!
What do you think of Bad Hair Day? I've been undecided on it so far.


Well-known member
Come to think of it, I also have a package on it's way from her.
Luckily it only contains one polish and a stamper. Do you know if the three of you you mention are all in the UK or is it just random? Oh, I just checked: my package has departed from Japan on Monday. No wonder they are usually coming rather quickly. We get packages (ordered) from Japan in less than a week!

Thanks! I happened to found it. I'm not familiar with the doll itself but it has on it's head my fave Ladurée pastry: Ispanah. And it's a 'redhead'
, so why not!

Yes, from Dappen Dish. I think I managed to order them rather early because I had difficulties to even find swatches to decide.


Yes, it's pretty! But those Glams!

Lucky you! I just got a message from local DHL and they tried to mislead me to pay for their services 18,60 Euros minimun on top of the VAT which will be over 26 Euros (!). I called them and said I won't pay any extra. Unfortunately I'm not able to avoid the VAT. I have to declare it fully. If not, I'm screwed if they want to see the receipt.

On a better note, my first two EPs came through!

Current mani's PP allure. I got some stickers with the order so I slapped some on.

That's a pretty colour - and the flowers look good with it!


Well-known member
There are at least 3 of us that I know of in the UK! They are actually being very strange about it, I was told I'm not allowed to post anything on the C4N fangroup about it, but managed to gather a little info. She says they've asked USPS to trace the packages and I should wait until 28 days have passed since my order. That's not much help really. Why is yours coming from Japan? Maybe mine are taking a round the world tour as well.

I did find the CC holos on eBay and ordered them from Dappen Dish. Hope they won't go missing.

No news on my EPs yet either. The second package was posted a bit after the first though. According to the tracking, the first one is in the UK. Hopefully it'll come tomorrow.

Oh why would you have to pay DHL on top of the VAT? Now I'm wondering if I'll have an extra charge as well and this wasn't the actual VAT. Weird.

Love your mani. Been thinking about getting Allure, but it always gets pushed back. Just ordered 2 CbLs yesterday, one is the RC anniversary exclusive. There's also going to be 2 RC exclusive Glams on Friday.

I nearly cried this morning, managed to completely break off my index nail finger during dog walking, the whole white bit snapped off. Couldn't bear to look at a stump and have to cut the others short to match, so I went out and bought some press on nails. First time ever I've used one and I think I should've gone with a slightly smaller one, but it's not too bad. It also stuck on a bit wonky. Oh well. At least I don't have a stump, it looks okay from a distance. Mani is CbL That's a Fact Jack with Kelara Tinsel Town on the accents. No sun today, in fact it's raining. :(

The fake is a good one, I'd never have known! Those two colours look good together.


Well-known member

Still no C4N packages. I'm beginning to give up hope now. But my first EP package has arrived and I also got the two FB group exclusive CbLs.

The CbLs look a bit like the other two EP, but these are crazy bright, that pink is properly neon!

I tried on Rainbow Juice over my existing mani (little finger) and since it was sunny, here's another picture.

My Disco H2O looks much greener than yours, maybe just that old camera trick?
Love the purple CbL particularly!
Rainbow Juice looks quite subtle?


Well-known member
@PQ I have Alcatraz too and love it to bits. In fact once I bought it twice because I saw it on sale and was like 'oooh, great colour!'
Thought you'd been MIA recently - a slump is a pain, hopefully your newbies will help you out of it! I have had that occasionally, when even my deliveries seem a bit "meh", thankfully some brand usually comes along with something awesome to jolt me out of it!
Hope your Elevations come before you leave! I forgot about the sale, probably just as well.


Well-known member
I was all excited till I realised that I had a couple, don't like the green, not sure I need another glitter topper, and we all know how black polishes have been disappointing recently. And not a preorder either :(
I may have to try for the purple though!


Well-known member
EP newsletter says it won't be a pre-order. She's fucking mental! Oh well, I only want the purple one anyway. Those 3 are indeed Autumn, VS and TDF,

Anyway... here's my mani, Kelara Uranus with Deborah Lippmann Shake Your Money Maker.

The the hauls. Glams and new EdMs from Mei Mei's:

RC exclusive anniversary CbL and Rare Orchid plus splat vinyls:

Femme Fatale order: exclusive Lilypads

Femme Fatales, the top row are the store exclusives (from other stores), bottom row are from the Alice in Wonderland collection:

Ooo, pretties! Lovely shades there, gorgeous! Did you have to pay DHL extra in the end?


Well-known member
Btw, I've got one great black holo - digital nails pandorica. Love that one.
Oh, I so nearly bought that one several times when I was using the Stackry box, as far as I know they don't ship direct to the UK. I'll bear it in mind if I have reason to use it again.


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Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Anitacska
Very pretty! How's Tina? Has she recovered already?

She has a huge ugly scar and no fur on her belly so she's not 100% yet, hoping the fur grows back a little bit for the winter :) She's much better, plays and eats and everything with no issues. We just dont wanna start training/playing rough with her yet, decided to wait for the 30th just to be sure. So we are doing a ton of brain games atm :)


Well-known member
Very pretty!

Thanks! Yes I'm a TinyAddict of TinyKittens lol I'm totally obsessed with the little feral kitten that was brought in missing his back feet(Cassidy+Topper cam)but that's on re-runs until Shelly comes back on Sunday, Cassidy is being taken care of by a vet tech until then. And Tip and the kits are having lots of fun with the sitters that come in to care for them!

Nice little haul and great manis, I love the last one!


Thanks! Yes, do not lose your spreadsheet!! and thanks again!

Pretty mermaid mani! great haul! the Femme Fatales look great

Thanks! yes similar, though the Nfu Oh is less blue
Thank you. Yeah, it's kind of mermaid-y, isn't it? My younger daughter has been obsessed with mermaids lately. We saw this show in France (on British telly, but a channel we don't have at home) called H2O: Just Add Water and it's really fun, so I found it on Netflix for her when we came home. It's about 3 girls who accidentally turn into mermaids and she now thinks she can do it if she jumps into the "moon pool" during full moon, hahaha. Shame the moon pool is in Australia! There's also a second show they made off the back of it, called The Mako Mermaids, we've been watching that lately. So yeah, now she wants to be a mermaid!