skinny girls have it rough too! (no hating please)


Active member
so we always hear about weight loss issues but im one of the very few that have a extremely fast metabolism that i am always UNDERWEIGHT (not a good thing). and NO I do not have an eating disorder!

it really frustrates me when people are lik e"oh ur skinny u have nothing to worry about" or i hear names like "skinny bitch" or "oh ur so skinny its gross" and usually it comes from people who have weight issues....

why is it SOOOO okay for other girls to make fun of skinny girls yet its such a big sin if god forbid i ever call them fat? (which i never would)

im just sick and tired of it. I eat the right foods, exercise, and do everything right... yet im still underweight. its just something im gona have to live with i guess?

just wondering if there are other girls out there like myself.


Well-known member
I am in the same boat! I am 5 foot 7 and about 100 pounds. I feel like telling someone that they are too skinny is the same thing as telling them that they are fat. By saying something like that, you are telling the person that they are not normal or healthy! I have had people stop me on the street and ask if I have an eating disorder, which I do not! It is genetic for me, all of my mother's side of the family is rail thin. You are not alone!


Active member
im 5'3'' and im barely make 100-103lbs(on a good day). im so happy to be in the 3 digit weight zone...haha im such a dork.

the only body issues i have are with my arms and legs. they seriously look like twigs. i wear tights under my jeans to make my thighs look fuller. now its getting warmer... uh oh...


Well-known member
I am neither fat nor skinny......But I don't find it okay to make fun of either size to be honest. No one knows the reason that people are thin or is not always due to overeating and not eating.


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I try wearing loose fitting tops to make my middle look a little bigger, but my arms are really scrawny. Thankfully I have a decent amount of leg muscle so they don't look so bad. I am going to try lifting weights to build my arms up a little bit. The only thing I can't fix that I hate is my lack of a chest hahahaha. Except with plastic surgery, which is what my mother, her sisters, and her mother have all done already. As I said, it is completely genetic.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by babydollala
the only body issues i have are with my arms and legs. they seriously look like twigs. i wear tights under my jeans to make my thighs look fuller. now its getting warmer... uh oh...

work what you got.

i'm 5'8" and i'm hanging around 108lbs right now, which is where i'm usually at...anyway, i have stick thin arms and alot of junk in the trunk. my body type is very far from "normal," but i learned there's no need to hide it or try to make it look like something it's not.

if people don't like it, fuck 'em.


Active member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I am neither fat nor skinny......But I don't find it okay to make fun of either size to be honest. No one knows the reason that people are thin or is not always due to overeating and not eating.

yes its not right to make fun of anyone for any reason. i dont and i wouldnt do that. but im constantly the butt of all skinny jokes. well im pretty content and learned after a LONG time to accept the way i am.

just once in a while it irks me when i hear the "anorexic jokes" it gets SOOO OLD!

Gildedangel: i wear loose fitting tops too...theyre more comfortable anyways. halter tops are the best, especially for swimwear...i look more full that way. btw finding decent swimwear that fits is such a hasssle too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by babydollala
btw finding decent swimwear that fits is such a hasssle too!

try H&M. i got a leopard print bikini there and it fits like a dream...i feel much more comfortable in it that my victoria's secret one.


Active member
Originally Posted by kimmy
work what you got.

i'm 5'8" and i'm hanging around 108lbs right now, which is where i'm usually at...anyway, i have stick thin arms and alot of junk in the trunk. my body type is very far from "normal," but i learned there's no need to hide it or try to make it look like something it's not.

if people don't like it, fuck 'em.

HAHA thanks

i have a small waist but jeans dont fit me cuz i have a slightly larger bottom. i duno how that happened but i usually have to get a size small top and a medium bottom(i get the string ones so i can tie them really small at the waist) so i dont look like my butt is spilling out of my bikini bottoms!

yes ur not really hiding i wear tights cuz my legs really freeze up really bad if i just wear jeans alone in the wintertime or anythig below 50-60degrees...i dont have enough meat on my legs to keep me warm i duno.


Well-known member
Exactly ...I agree with Kimmy....who cares what people think...As long as you are happy with yourself that is all that matters....jealousy I am sure plays a role in a lot of that...I never look at random girls and think she needs to eat....I do however I need to cut back lol

Great minds talk about ideas, Average minds talk about things, Small minds talk about other people


Well-known member
Originally Posted by babydollala
Gildedangel: i wear loose fitting tops too...theyre more comfortable anyways. halter tops are the best, especially for swimwear...i look more full that way. btw finding decent swimwear that fits is such a hasssle too!

Oh I know how hard it is to find swimwear! All of the cute swimsuits are too big for me! The only swimsuit I own is a halter top which does help a lot. I always feel drowned in clothing, it is hard for me to find things because I am not only skinny, but I am really tall for how skinny I am.
Does anyone else find that small sizes are getting bigger?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Does anyone else find that small sizes are getting bigger?

yes, and it irritates the hell out of me. also, apparently women are not supposed to have hips anymore because all the jeans i've tried on in the last year will not go over my hips, they're made like man jeans...just straight on all sides. what the hell.


Active member
yea i hate shopping too. i always walk out with nothing or like 1 thing when im TRYING to shop for more.

its hard to find professional clothes for at banana, gap, even the XS is too big. i hate hate HATE shopping for pants! Anne taylor petites has been working for me tho.

jeans i pretty much gave up on for like "cheapy jeans"

im a size 23/24 waist. i know im only 5'3'' but my legs are sometimes too long that they look like highwaters when i wear heels.

my fav. jean brands that fit WONDERFUL are Rock & Republic, Paige Premium Denim, and Frankie B. jeans. length is great, legs are slim that i actually fill them out, and the rise is just perfect. i highly reccomend those jeans! they are pricey but worth it.

any more petite friendly stores/ brands??


Well-known member
Aaarrrggghhh! I HATE hearing that I'm skinny. I'm 5' and weigh 105 lbs., even after two kids. I tried to keep a little of the baby weight on but it just didn't work no matter what I did, so I'm back to my 105 lbs. and I hate it when girls at my job say "Wow, you look really skinny in those jeans" or "did you lose weight cuz you look really skinny today" but they say it with a negative connotation behind it, you know? My husband says they're just hating but either way, it irks me to no end.
The good thing: I've been taking boot camp classes at my gym and I've always been athletic so now I'm starting to put on a little muscle and definition so we'll see...


Well-known member
I actually go to thrift stores a lot for clothing! There is a lot of crap, but if you dig through it you can find really good clothing. I find good name brands for really cheap, and they usually have the tags on them still. They tend to have an actual SELECTION in small sizes, and it is wallet friendly!


Well-known member
I wish that we, as a culture, could see the beauty in all body types. I wish that all girls could look in the mirror in the morning and feel beautiful, because that lack of confidence can lead to unhealthy behavior. I think that if women (and now more then ever, men) were encouraged to love themselves rather then loathe anything that was "wrong" with them then we would have a healthier (both mentally and physically) society as a whole. In any case, from a "fluffy" girl to a "skinny" one...just know that it's all just a bunch of adjectives, and girls just be hating.


Well-known member
I am neither skinny nor fat but I have some of the similar issues finding clothes. I mean honestly it seems like you have to be flat everywhere or big everywhere just to find something that fits.


Well-known member
I know exactly what you mean. I use to be around 105lbs at 5'3 for about 4 years and I work with the public and customers would always make comments about how thin I was and that if I walked outside the wind would blow me away and if I turned to the side I'd disappear..I'd be like WTF if your problem. I am now 127lbs and still 5'3 & now get comments that I'm fat and need to stop eating. I said f&ck it and f&ck you.

Everybody will always have something to say no matter what size, height, & color you are. I've learned to love my body no matter what size I boyfriend loves me thing or thick. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if you look in the mirror and you love yourself, f&ck them.

I have a hard time finding clothes too, it sucks! Especially now that I'm 127lbs and short. I have a real small waist (a size 25) and short legs, but thick thighs, wide hips, and a big tush. My tush typically fits in a size 7 in juniors but the waist is usually 5 times too big. Blaaaaah.


Well-known member
I'm 5'7 and used to be 110lbs and people used to call me a stick! I've gain some weight and I'm a EU 34-36 (US 4-6). I hate shopping for jeans too because my bottom is bigger. Jeans of my sizes hardly go over my hips. If I go for a size bigger, it will be too loose on my waist.