skinny girls have it rough too! (no hating please)


Well-known member
Hear hear!!! D:
For most of my life I've been skinny, at some points quite emaciated, and more recently just averagely quite thin (the metabolism is slowing in my later years, lol) and I always get shit about it..

I have problems too, just because I wear a smaller dress size doesn't mean I'm oblivious to sadness ;/ I think the entire image the diet industry promotes of how you'll only be happy if your a size whatever is so ridiculous... you're only going to be happy when you learn to love yourself!

I've often been jibed about having eating disorders, which actually really hurts, because many of my family members have suffered from it, me included when I was 14-16, and it's really not something you should poke fun at. ;/

I think everyone should just eat healthily, exercise and love life. ^_^


Well-known member
It just bugs me girls that ARE skinny complaining that they are "fat". There is a girl I know who is about 6 months pregnant and about 5'5. I heard her saying yesterday " OMG Im like getting sooooooooo fat, but the doctor says Im underweight and really really wants me to get to at least 130 pounds !! Omg 130 that is sooo big.".......I thought " bitch you are freaking 6 months PREGNANT !!!!!!..idiots like you shouldnt have kids."

if she thinks she's fat I wonder what she thinks about me ?? whatever I think ppl like that are just looking for attention


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieR429
It just bugs me girls that ARE skinny complaining that they are "fat". There is a girl I know who is about 6 months pregnant and about 5'5. I heard her saying yesterday " OMG Im like getting sooooooooo fat, but the doctor says Im underweight and really really wants me to get to at least 130 pounds !! Omg 130 that is sooo big.".......I thought " bitch you are freaking 6 months PREGNANT !!!!!!..idiots like you shouldnt have kids."

if she thinks she's fat I wonder what she thinks about me ?? whatever I think ppl like that are just looking for attention

I don't think she necessarily thinks anything bad about you. Some people have a really distorted view of themselves... so while she may think that 130 is huge for HER (even though there's a baby in there) she may think that others aren't big if they weigh 130 or more. Does that make sense? If you're really unhappy with yourself, you often focus all your negativity on yourself and not on others. If she's genuine and not just looking for attention, she needs help, rather than people thinking she's an idiot and shouldn't have kids. I totally understand why you'd feel that way, but I just wanted to point out that some people really do have a problem and deserve a bit of compassion, even though there are many attention seekers out there. I'm not saying she is one of them, but... do you know what I mean?

I think that some people put down thin or small people because it's seen as the "ideal", and they feel jealous. Some people think that everything in their lives would get better if they could only be slim, so when they see girls who are very thin, they feel resentful.

(I myself am small but I don't think I look "skinny"- I still get the "you should eat more" comments sometimes though *rolls eyes*)


Well-known member
I totally feel your pain I used to be 110 pounds and 5 7 and i remember when i first came to america for the first time people used to stare at me and some people would just ask me if i was sick. I remember one of my aunts friends told her to watch me closely that i may be bulimic. Now i am 132 pounds and people still complain that i'm too skinny and because i am black my black friends say i have the physique of a white woman and i'm like wtf???


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that, I am in no way skinny, but I have a couple of skinny friends and now I know how they feel!
When I always see them eating extras, saying it's the only way they can gain weight, I usually don't know what to say because I thought they liked being skinny, and I never did say they were to skinny, although I used the occasional "skinny bitch" and they usually called me "fat ass" ( all out of love, no harm)
But now I understand not to give them any trouble about wanting to gain weight, bcuz it's usually the other way around.

IADOREMAC- Don't u just hate t when people think all Black people are suppose to be thick? How ignorant! ^^

Girl about town

Well-known member
i reckon if people comment on you being thin they are just jealous that they battle with their own weight. I admit to being a teeny bit jealous of girls who can fit into tiny jeans , but im pretty happy with myself most of time. In fact i have the opposite of most people, i think im pretty slim but other people wouldn't consider me so, im 5ft 5 and 140lbs , i wear a size 10 uk (us 6) but
as long as i feel like i look like myself im quite happy.i think having my child sorted out my body image issues, it was no longer all about me and the way i looked. I am a nurse also and see young women with ill health/ terminal illnesses etc so i feel i could never feel bad about a body that is healthy.
As long as you are healthy and happy what does it matter what you weigh???


Well-known member
Personally no one has ever commented on how "skinny" I looked. BUT I do have to comment about people's comments in general. In my early 20s I was 5'5 and weighed 110lbs and I would get comments from family members about how I eat too much or "you look chunky in those jeans." Hello!?! WTF was that all about? It angers me so much. This is how people grow to have body image issues, because no matter what size you are people always want to throw comments!

I had a friend/former co-worker at the time. She was taller than me, 5'7, 5'8 and she was probably between 90 to 100lbs. She was not anorexic, in fact she had a healthy appetite. Although she had some health issues which might have contributed to her not being able to put on weight. We worked in retail at the time and strangers would feel the need to comment about her weight. One time someone actually started shouting at her and told her she was unhealthy and sickly etc. Often times it would bring her to tears. I felt bad for her because it wasn't anything she could help. I saw how she desperately tried to put weight on, I even remember trying to help her gain weight (although we had no clue back then) but we tried everything such as having her eat oreo cookies before bed, to eating rich foods such as pasta in cream sauce and big ass desserts to working out at the gym. We're in our 30s now. Her metabolism had slowed down but she's still thin. She's just built that way, it's not her own doing.


Well-known member
i really do wish that we could all have a good body image!

I am def starting to think that almost everyone has issues shopping in stores! I am very short (5'2") and right now I weigh about 115 lb, but i have weighed 125 for a period of time, and one year i was up to 143 lb. these weights are drastically different for me because I am short. I guess the weight is distributed differently. No matter what size I was, I always had trouble finding clothes! i think it may be my bone structure.

And people always make comments, when you gain they make comments, when you lose they make comments, it's like you can't win so why bother trying! As long as you like what you see in the mirror, it's all ok, and as long as you know you're eating healthy, who cares!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 06290714
I know exactly what you mean. I use to be around 105lbs at 5'3 for about 4 years and I work with the public and customers would always make comments about how thin I was and that if I walked outside the wind would blow me away and if I turned to the side I'd disappear..I'd be like WTF if your problem. I am now 127lbs and still 5'3 & now get comments that I'm fat and need to stop eating. I said f&ck it and f&ck you.

Everybody will always have something to say no matter what size, height, & color you are. I've learned to love my body no matter what size I boyfriend loves me thing or thick. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if you look in the mirror and you love yourself, f&ck them.

I have a hard time finding clothes too, it sucks! Especially now that I'm 127lbs and short. I have a real small waist (a size 25) and short legs, but thick thighs, wide hips, and a big tush. My tush typically fits in a size 7 in juniors but the waist is usually 5 times too big. Blaaaaah.

wow we are twins...I am 5'3 and 125...but I am trying to get to around 115-118 that is my most comfortable weight for my body shape....I like my look at that size....But I am okay with 125 but not 100% happy with it


Well-known member
^^ ditto! i'm okay with being at the 125-130lb level but not totally happy with it because i feel like it may be a LITTLE too thick for my height? lol esp since i'm shaped differently. i would love to drop about 5 lbs


Well-known member
I'm 5'5 and I'm around 130-135. I think it's alright but would like to lose a few pounds. At one point I went up to like 140 and even down to like 123. I fluctuate a lot but I do wanna be around 125. I don't have fast metabolism.One of my friends is really thin and people always say she's sick and it makes her feel really sad. She is just naturally thin even though she has a healthy diet.


Well-known member
I just read an article with Anna Wintour and she made a really good point of "There's such an epidemic of obesity in the United States, and for some reason, everybody focuses on anorexia." Seriously, like, one in three kids is OBESE and less than one in a hundred suffers from anorexia, yet the skinny girls are alwayyyys under attack. I hate going out to eat with my bf's family because his mom is always saying, "aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat more? Want some of my potatoes?" Uhhhh no, I'm not that hungry because I'm thin, eat healthily, and don't have a huge stomach to sate at every meal.

(Disclaimer: I'm not at ALL saying skinny girls all have an eating disorder or even that overweight people just like to eat a lot)


It definitely is bullshit how fat comments are mean and hushhush and all sensitive when people can make other negative comments about people's physical looks and it be ok.

I think on a majority people would rather be.. underweight/super skinny or short, or super tall than to be fat. So it's ok to make fun of those body types. Still doesn't make it ok.

Negative comments about people's physical looks is just off fullstop.


Well-known member
I know how you feel, I'm actually trying to gain weight in the last few months and nothing's working

I'm 5'6 and going from 98 to 103 and back
I wish i was 120


Well-known member
Nothing in my opinion....But everyone knows what their desired weight is according to their height and frame....125-130 is normal on my 5'3 frame...But not the weight I prefer....Weight is a matter of personal preference....I prefer to be around 118-120 it wears well on me


Well-known member
Can you calmly and coolly tell the people who are calling you stick and anorexic, etc. that it is hurtful and they wouldn't call an overweight person blimp or competitive-eater to their face? Sometimes just straight up telling someone your feelings from the heart will shock them into realization. And if women are the ones asking if you lost weight recently, etc, I think that they could be envious. They really might not mean to be snide, they are just wrestling with body images of their own. If they do mean to be snide let them know that everyone has body images to deal with and they shouldn't take theirs out on you.