skinny girls have it rough too! (no hating please)


Well-known member
One of my closest friends is very thin, probably about 100 pounds now, at around 5'7. When we were younger, she was always under 80, but tall for her age, so she got picked on all the time, even by our friends. I always felt so bad for her, because she COULDN'T gain weight. Even now, she's only 100 because she randomly sprouted D cup boobs. She's grown into her body now, but she still suffers from some self esteem issues due to all the teasing when she was younger. I definitely feel bad for skinny girls who get a lot of slack just for being naturally tiny.

When I see a super-thin girl, I never feel the need to make fun of her.. I just wish I could look more like her! I was a tiny girl myself once, and I'd love to get back to that again.. The only thing that irks me is when tiny girls go on about how "fat" they are, how big their thighs are..but they do it in that obvious way that you KNOW they're just fishing for someone to say, "noo, you're so tiny!" I've only met a few girls who do this (obviously not everyone who is thin does that..), but that literally made me want to crawl up in a corner and die.


Well-known member
There´s always hope for the very skinny girls that they will gain weight during puberty or when you hit your early or mid-twenties. That´s what happened to me at least, and also to some girls I know.

I`m 5`8 and I weighed 105 pounds for a long time. I was stick skinny and very unhappy about it. At the same time, when I hit puberty, I was eating insane amounts of food. My friends at school would make fun at me for carrying huge lunch boxes! lol. But nothing worked, I wouldn´t gain an ounce.
Then I spent 6 months in the US my junior year and with all the junk food and no moving I gained 13 pounds. I finally had some curves and was so happy about it. When I came back to Austria I lost half of it very soon cause I was eating "normal" food again. But at least the other half stuck with me.

Then I noticed my metabolism changing when I turned 24 last summer. I was eating chocolate bars every day just for the heck of it, and suddenly I did gain weight! I actually gained 10 pounds, which all went to my thighs and butt, and I gained one cupsize! I actually felt pretty sexy and bombshell-like. But then I saw a pic of myself at the beach, from far away...and I saw that I didn´t look good. My upper body was still really skinny, very narrow waist...and then there were the wider hips and thighs.

I just realized I can´t let myself go cause all the weight will stick to my bottom half, making me look unproportional. I started eating healthy again and did some squats and stuff (I hate doing sports, so I didn´t really work out), and now I`m back at 116 pounds, which is the best weight for me I think. I´m skinny but still have some curves.

What kinda bothers me though: a lot of people mistake eating healthy for being on a diet. I made the decision to nourish my body and eat healthy, so having a salad instead of a burger with fries doesn´t mean that I´m a little princess who doesn´t want to gain an ounce of means that I want to treat my body well, like everyone should IMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
I just read an article with Anna Wintour and she made a really good point of "There's such an epidemic of obesity in the United States, and for some reason, everybody focuses on anorexia." Seriously, like, one in three kids is OBESE and less than one in a hundred suffers from anorexia, yet the skinny girls are alwayyyys under attack.

Very true. Both anorexia and obesity is unhealthy...I do think it´s ok to point out someone´s obvious unhealthily skinny body (where you can see that they have an eating disorder) and make sure teens don´t see that as the ideal body.
But, at the same time it should be ok to point out that it´s not ok to weigh 300 pounds either. I guess in a country like the US where a huge percentage of the population is overweight it´s not politically correct to do so though. If you call someone fat you´re being insensitive, even if they really are fat.

Being healthy is just so important, everybody should to treat your body well! I´m not for bashing anyone because of their low or high weight. Both anorexic and obese people need help and support to lead a healthier lifestyle!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I'm 5'6" and 96 to 98lbs. I'm a Chinese and we tend to be of a smaller built but I'm consider very skinny anyway. I'm naturally thin and before my surgery to remove my gall bladder which a stone developed inside, I was slightly heavier, about 102lbs. I have been constantly told that I am thin and should eat more. Some said it out of concern, while others are just passing comments because they need to talk about somebody. They make me feel as though my physique is an eyesore and it is the same as making fun of someone who is obese. I have acid reflux and should not take oily food since I have no bile to digest fats, so I can't take large, heavy meals but smaller, frequent meals. I have been misunderstood as picky with my food and trying to diet. All I am doing is to eat healthily and adapt to my bodily functions. I'm proud to say that when I hear comments about my weight, I just smile but I don't feel bad inside because I'm not doing anything wrong!

I hate buying pants because I have a tiny waist but I have hips. Pants that fit at the hips have a large waist and they pop out and expose my backside when I am seated. I hate wearing bras because they sting my chest bones and rib cage!


Well-known member
I'm 5'2, usually between 100-105 lbs, and have a healthy appetite (just ask my bf!). I'm of Asian descent, and all the women in my family have smaller frames. Whenever I go home to see my family, my mom and her friends always ask me if I'm feeding myself properly. Then they proceed to tell me that they "need to make sure I eat." Umm, I eat just fine, thank you.

It's annoying how they feel like it's their responsibility to criticize whether you're too skinny or too big. I don't have eating issues and am perfectly happy with the way I am. I feel like I shouldn't have to deal with people's yammerings about me just because they have their own insecurities to deal with. Sorry for the rant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss QQ
I'm 5'6" and 96 to 98lbs. I'm a Chinese and we tend to be of a smaller built but I'm consider very skinny anyway.

Thats a good point. It seems like in some cultures where being lean is the norm, being very thin is akin to looking like a peasant. Its the whole prosperity = being well fed thing.

Take care of your health and don't let them bully you!

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
I hate it wen people say things like that to me, "oh you're skinny so you're fine", etc. My friend was my weight, insists that I'm skinny, and she wants to be 100lbs! What is the obsession with being thin. I eat and eat and I feel like I can't ever fill out my jeans the way I want
. I just wish people would stop calling me skinny and making snide remarks like the think I feel like I'm all that cause I'm this size.
Sorry If I offend anyone I just hate dealing with those comments, and I"m sure some of you girls do too. I get it the most because I work in retail, and I"m trying to help these ladies out but they don't trust me because of my size! So I struggle to make my sales goals because of this some times and it upsets me.


Active member
Oh i didnt know this post was still alive! thanks to all of you girls who responded.

My initial post was just to say that making fun of "skinny bitches" isnt any nicer than if it was making fun of an overweight person. Both are equally wrong to the same degree. In my experience, society seems to show more "sympathy" for people who are overweight, and maybe thats why "fat jokes" are such a horrible thing yet its okay to make fun of smaller people.
Girls should be supportive of each other and thats really not the case :/

YES i agree with some of you girls and i do get annoyed when thin girls rant about being "fat" when they are FARRRR from it. i get it.

People of ALL sizes have body image issues. Only you can be the person to determine what size looks good on you and ultimately its about one's own happiness...not about pleasing others.

I swear...we live in a world where people only change things about themselves to please others instead of focusing on themselves and their own happiness.

yes everyone should eat healthy no matter what size you are. There are thin girls who have rotten insides because of how bad they eat. i should know. when i went to college i ate nothing but junk and even tho i was thin, i had ulcers, acid reflux, and gastrointestinal problems. I eat HEALTHIER now and i feel so much better.

Anyway..thanks for every one of your responses ladies

glassy girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Austrian_Babe
Very true. Both anorexia and obesity is unhealthy...I do think it´s ok to point out someone´s obvious unhealthily skinny body (where you can see that they have an eating disorder) and make sure teens don´t see that as the ideal body.
But, at the same time it should be ok to point out that it´s not ok to weigh 300 pounds either. I guess in a country like the US where a huge percentage of the population is overweight it´s not politically correct to do so though. If you call someone fat you´re being insensitive, even if they really are fat.

Being healthy is just so important, everybody should to treat your body well! I´m not for bashing anyone because of their low or high weight. Both anorexic and obese people need help and support to lead a healthier lifestyle!

Well i do think it's good 2 educate on good eating habits and how being overweight or under weight is not healthy. But also it is insensitive 2 call someone fat even if they r fat it's no one's business. Im sure they c themselves in the mirror eveyday nobody needs 2 point it out. p.s i get ur overall message about being healthy!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Austrian_Babe
There´s always hope for the very skinny girls that they will gain weight during puberty or when you hit your early or mid-twenties. That´s what happened to me at least, and also to some girls I know.

Yeah I used to be super skinny up until I was 24. I was 5'7" and weighed maybe 110 to 120lb. I was made fun of all the times. Especially because my upper body was thin, ppl called me "stick arms". This was pretty annoying as in my culture curvy is desired so it made me very sad. I also had a size B bras which again is considered small for my family.

Then I turn 24 and all of the sudden I start putting on weight as Austrian Babe said, for me especially in my boobs and hips. So right now I'm the same height (obviously) but weigh 155lb and wear a size 34d bra! The annoying thing is, the same ppl that made fun of me back then now ask me if I'm pregnant and/or tell me I need to watch my weight!!!! Seriously, I'm not even that fat!!

All of this to tell you, no matter what, there are always negative ppl out there. Just work your body and be happy in it. Ignore all the negativity as you can't please everyone and you shouldn't bother with it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
I'm so sorry to hear that, I am in no way skinny, but I have a couple of skinny friends and now I know how they feel!
When I always see them eating extras, saying it's the only way they can gain weight, I usually don't know what to say because I thought they liked being skinny, and I never did say they were to skinny, although I used the occasional "skinny bitch" and they usually called me "fat ass" ( all out of love, no harm)
But now I understand not to give them any trouble about wanting to gain weight, bcuz it's usually the other way around.

IADOREMAC- Don't u just hate t when people think all Black people are suppose to be thick? How ignorant! ^^

I know and i'm like i'm sorry i guess i didnt get the memo


Well-known member
Uuurrrrghhh... same boat. Although I AM a "recovering" anoretic, I have been trying to gain weight for two years now with no luck. I'm 19, 5ft2 & fluctuate between 77 - 84 lbs.

I've been called "skinny" by passerbys a couple of times - like I don't know! I mean why would you feel the need to say that? Why is it right to point out that someone on the street is skinny & therefore mutter it when walking past - you can't say that to an overweight person? Oh no, see that would be rude! Other times I just get random girls at college asking me what size I am in clothes.

I have a 22inch waist & find it impossible to find a pair of jeans that fit me, therefore I have all my bottom clothes tailored from the waist, hips & length taken up.

I've had one luck in finding jeans that fit & those were 23" J Brand Cords (can be found at that I absolutely adore! (so I better get stocking up!)

I also hate my arms, they're weedy looking & not cute. I would LOVE to put on enough weight to be able to exercise so I can tone up. I like the fact that although I am very petite in stature, I do have curves & am completely in proportion (think Avril Lavinge before she got really big thighs).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thewinglessbird
I have a 22inch waist & find it impossible to find a pair of jeans that fit me, therefore I have all my bottom clothes tailored from the waist, hips & length taken up.

I've had one luck in finding jeans that fit & those were 23" J Brand Cords (can be found at that I absolutely adore! (so I better get stocking up!)

I totally know what you mean! I am 5'7" and I have a 24" waist, it is almost impossible to find jeans! They are never long enough, I have to get mine tailored too!


Well-known member
I believe you. I think anyone who doesn't fit a certain height, weight and measurement has a hard time. I am average, medium, size 8/10, and I have to get most of my clothes altered.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thewinglessbird
So... How would one go about slowing down their metabolism?

Depends on your genetics. I try not to exercise too much and I eat a lot of high-calorie junk food (I know, it's bad!) to gain weight, I usually only do this if I have gotten sick and dropped a lot of weight to gain it back as quickly as I can. I personally have a hyper metabolism from my mom's side of the family that apparently never slows down unless you are pregnant


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Depends on your genetics. I try not to exercise too much and I eat a lot of high-calorie junk food (I know, it's bad!) to gain weight, I usually only do this if I have gotten sick and dropped a lot of weight to gain it back as quickly as I can. I personally have a hyper metabolism from my mom's side of the family that apparently never slows down unless you are pregnant

Have you tried adding more protein to your diet? (Protein shakes, protein bars, etc) It can help you build muscle, instead of relying on all the really bad carbs you're probably getting from junk!
I have an average metabolism but I know people that are trying to put on weight (in muscle) so they take a lot of protein things.


Active member
My boyfriend has the same problem.
He eats and eats to try to add extra calories to his diet and nothing helps.
He's about 6' and only weighs like 140-145 lbs.
I can lift him. -_-
On the bright side, your metabolism slows down as you get older.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Depends on your genetics. I try not to exercise too much and I eat a lot of high-calorie junk food (I know, it's bad!) to gain weight, I usually only do this if I have gotten sick and dropped a lot of weight to gain it back as quickly as I can. I personally have a hyper metabolism from my mom's side of the family that apparently never slows down unless you are pregnant

That's all I feel I can really do, is to do as little exercise as possible - it's very frustrating! I want to build muscle, but I'll never build muscle if I have to act like a lazy ivalid!

I agree with Mello, it is important to add nutritional drinks. When I was in hospital for anorexia, I was advised to drink a (medicated) nutrient drink, so I suppose it's quite effective. I also learned to drink a full bottle of whole milk within a day. To eat bread & to eat in big portions, rather than snack all through the day. I guess big portions slow down the metabolism... hmm...