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Amaranth's 1st Tutorial: SOLAR FLARE (Extremely Picture Heavy!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
Great tut and I am SOOOOO glad to see the 180 brush getting some love,....

I personally LOVE the 180 brush, though I know a lot of people hate it. I find that it especially helps if you're a little too heavy-handed with the blush like I am
and it also just makes everything look so smooth and polished.

PS - I had to go out while I was still finishing off the 3rd post, so I'm going to go back now and fill it in in a few places where I think it could use a little more detail. I was strapped for time, when I started it, I thought I had the entire night free, but that wasn't the case. So here comes an update!

Also, if you ladies have any suggestions on how I can improve or go into more detail for my next (yay) tutorial, please let me know! I made this to help y'all out, so if I can do better, I'll gladly do what I can!


Well-known member
wow, the final result is simply GORGEOUS

thanks for sharing !!
great tut', so complete


Well-known member
Thanks everyone! I'm soooo glad you all like it!

And I looked hideous at so many stages of the tut, I figured I should try to make it look like I was TRYING to be hideous by making those faces...yeah, that's it...you buy that, right? If not...would you believe...I just wanted to make you guys smile? Is that excuse better? Hahaha.

But seriously though...to all the people who don't own Flammable or are afriad to wear it...I suggest you go to your nearest MAC and try it out. I was scared of it for so long, and I wondered why anyone in their right mind would wanna put red on their freakin EYES in the first place. But I caved a little while ago, and it is actually, by far, my favourite eye anything. It works on a lot of skin tones, and it really looks especially beautiful on people with green or blue eyes. And the colour REALLY stands out on me because I'm so ungodly pale, so if you're really scared of it because of how bright it is on me, the lighter your skin is, the brighter it'll seem. I'm not saying you can't see it on darker skin tones, because I've seen it in action and it still looks amazing, but colours tend to look extra crazy and wild on lighter skin tones. And also, just because you own red eyeshadow doesn't mean you have to use it all over, you can use it in a more subtle fashion. So everyone give Flammable a chance, it's hard to find an eye safe red, so we're lucky MAC makes one, and in such a beautiful SHADE of red at that. One of the good things about MAC is that you can try stuff out before you buy it, so you have nothing to lose!


Well-known member
really great tut! i enjoyed it as much for the humor as the great instructions
and you came out looking fabulous!


Well-known member
Fun tut! Very informative
And the end result is great!! I was a little scared at first when I saw that red e/s on your eye, but with everything else put together it looks amazing


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kelaia
Fun tut! Very informative
And the end result is great!! I was a little scared at first when I saw that red e/s on your eye, but with everything else put together it looks amazing

Haha, yeah, Flammable paint is a bit scary on its own on skin as light as mine. If only I had a nice deep tan, I've seen it alone on darker skin tones and it doesn't look nearly as freaky.