Anyone else HATE mineralize eyeshadows?!


Well-known member
i don't like any of the mineralize stuff from mac... i swatched a few of those things and made a quick exit out of the store... i'm sure the MA's there were like "wtf"... but um yea... no thanks...


Well-known member
I actually really like them, but somehow lately they make my eyes water at the corners.. so I don't think I can use them anymore, which makes me really sad.


Well-known member
I am alergic to MES and bought three before 2 years and 1 last year and nothing changed with the texture of those old and new, this means no more MES in the future.


Well-known member
I usually apply a shadow primer (I use the too faced shadow insurance and find it wonderful but also the primer potion from UD is great), then a light touch of pain pot (I use bare study for bases). This will help your mineralize e/s to stick to your lid and last all day.
Then, I work the e/s with the brush on my hand with a little bit of eye drops (or eyewash, i don't know which is the right english word. I use the ones for contacts but any will do, they're very cheap too and you find them in drugstores): they work as fixators and they enhance the intensity of the colour.
I think I had the better payoff i could from my mineralize e/s in this way.
Hope it would be useful


Well-known member
I love love LOVE Sea & Sky! When I use a p/p as a base it goes on very vibrant and stays just fine.

I also have Persuasive and Danger Zone. I was disappointed with Danger Zone, the red ends up not the same it looks in the pot unless I use Fix+.


Well-known member
I've only bought one MES and it was Mi'Lady from last year and I absolutely hate it. It's actually stopped me from buying or even trying out anymore MES in the future.

My issue isnt so much pigmentation, its the chunks of glitter! It gets like everywhere.


Well-known member
The glitter is pretty insane. The silver middle stripe in Danger Zone and Persuasive is so annoying. I haven't found a way to use it, I wish it wasn't even in the trio.


Well-known member
Yes I seriously HATE the glitter! It reminds me of when I was still in middle school when having glitter all over your face was still considered cute. But really its just ick lol.


Well-known member
Lol I'm afraid of getting the glitters into my eye and them cutting my eyeball! But there not like fine little shimmers there just straight up glitter! Like the kind you can find in arts and crafts kits.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkishstar
I actually really like them, but somehow lately they make my eyes water at the corners.. so I don't think I can use them anymore, which makes me really sad.

ugh so thats what it is thats making my eyes water... i just realised that the other day when i used that purple trio from red she said my eyes were watering like mad all day
anyone know a solution or am i just allergic?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I use the purple and grey one (forget what it's called) from the winter 2007 collection. It shows up fine on me. I use UDPP, though


Well-known member
I LOVE mi'lady, both shades. I have to use mixing medium/water with it, so the colors come out very intense. with just UDPP the color payoff is bad and I dont wanna imagine how it looks without base at all. so just use them wet and the colors will look great


Well-known member
Yes. MES love Fix+ or anything to dampen them. I learned that and fell in love with Fix+ after lilchocolatema (scandalous beauty) said that on her YT channel.


Well-known member
Is Fix+ safe for use around the eye area? I have super sensitive eyes due to bad allergies and the last thing I want to do is to irritate them more. Ughh I can't wait to get my vents cleaned which I think is the source of my allergy problems.


Well-known member
I assume it is if you can spray it into your face. But, you may want to be extra careful with sensitive eyes.


Well-known member
Yeah I was thinking that too about it being sprayed on your face. I always tend to use my hand to cover up the eye area before spraying or spraying it directly into my hands and then patting my face with it.

I've heard from some people that you can use visine eyedrops, I'm thinking that would be alot more safe for the eye area. Would it ruin the e/s though?


Well-known member
I've heard that as long as you leave the MES open to dry out, it'll be fine. So, you can wet the shadow or the brush.