Anyone following the Casey/Caylee Anthony case?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I think the brother may have been involved...I do not personally think the parents were in on the actual killing..I do however think they know she did it at this point and are covering up for her because they don't want to believe it or just out of love for their daughter. It must be a hard situation to be in as parent. We all want to believe our children are good individuals and were raised to do the right thing.

I agree. The father even said in one of his conversations with the cops "I'm going to be honest with you, it smells like there was a dead body in there." And like Adlersmommy said, a cop knows for sure what that smell is, it is very distinct.. Then the night before the body was found, the parents were on Larry King's show swearing up and down that it was actually "a bag of rotten pizza with maggots" in the hot florida sun that was causing it.
That doesn't even make sense. First of all, wouldn't pizza just sort of dry out after a couple days? Maybe you'd smell a little funky tomato sauce for a while but it would dissipate. And trust me, that's nowhere NEAR the stench magnitude of a decomposing body, im sorry.. thats a bunch of bullsh!t.

Oh, and did anyone see/hear this??
(I'm pretty sure they meant 'trunk' in the first paragraph, it's just crappy editing on their part)

(NECN/WFTV) - Casey Anthony's brother Lee told investigators his first indication that something was terribly wrong was noticing the horrible smell wafting from Casey's car truck.

"It was, it was, it hit you like a, a wave. I mean it was, it was, whatever it was it was very potent," said Lee Anthony.
Once their mother brought Casey home, he said he tried to get Casey to tell them exactly where Caylee was, but all she would talk about was how her mother Cindy nagged her about what a bad mother she is.

"That's when she opened up to me and said, uh, mom has um, thrown in my face many times before that I'm an unfit mother and you know, maybe she's right. Maybe I am. She offered up to me for the first that time um, my mother has referred, said to my sister that um, even though Caylee's been the best thing and the best mistake that she was indeed a mistake, that she was Casey's mistake," said Lee.

He said at first Casey insisted Caylee was with the nanny, but never mentioned the name Zenaida to him. He told her their mother was calling law enforcement and when officers got there, they would press her to show them where Caylee was. And, he says that's when Casey cried and admitted she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days.

Link to article and short vid: Potentially incriminating tapes released in Caylee Anthony investigation | NECN



Active member
I agree with Tish...I think the grandparents acting weird has more to do with them being in denial, and not wanting to accept what happened. They'd have to blame themselves a little if they DID admit to themselves that their daughter was capable of doing these things, AND that they didn't realize sooner what was going on. I think it's just their way of coping with how horrible this whole story is. I mean she's the one who called the cops on her daughter. I hardly believe it was because she wanted her to take the fall for something she was involved in.... I don't blame them for hanging on to hope that she was alive until it was confirmed. When you have people telling you they've had sightings of the granddaughter, and you don't want to believe she's really gone or that something bad happened to her, of COURSE you're going to cling to the hope that that's true. I really do think they're victims here.


Well-known member
I agree. I really don't think the grandparents are involved... I can't see them, especially Cindy, covering up anything for Casey if it came down to her hurting Caylee.

I really think they want to believe Casey because who the hell wants to admit their daughter is a cold-blooded killer... not to mention, the kill of their very own granddaughter.

I think Lee is a bit more suspicious, you didn't hear his name much throughout the investigation, at least I didn't. Now he pops up all of the sudden and.... I dunno, this shit is just crazy.


Well-known member
On Nancy Grace right now-----------

speculations that Anthony's private investigator covered up some evidence on the scene of the crime? Or did something with a video tape?



Well-known member
Wow- I had a feeling shit would keep getting weirder and more effed up in this case. Now Casey's dad ran away and threatened suicide, and was taken into custody under the Baker Act (72 hour psychiatric watch).


DAYTONA BEACH, FL -- Police say George Anthony, who is the father of Casey Anthony, left his Orlando home Thursday night. A short time later, his family became concerned after receiving a text message saying he didn't want to live anymore.

He was later later found in Daytona Beach after authorities used GPS and signals from his cell phone to track his car.

The Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway, said George was unharmed. He was taken into custody under the state's Baker Act, which allows authorities to hold a person pending a mental evaluation.

Daytona Police Chief Mike Chitwood said George sent "disturbing" text messages. "He had text-messaged family members that he wanted to end his life," Chitwood said.

Chitwood took George to a Daytona Beach area hosital and described him as "melancholy."

TV reports that a half-written suicide note was found in George's car.

Casey Anthony (photos), who is in the Orange County jail awaiting trial, was told about the incident by the jail's health services staff.

He either knows something and can't live with himself, or shit.. i dunno.

This family is fucking bizarre.


Well-known member
i dont think george knows anything(but who knows), they keep saying how him and casey had a horrible relationship and i think he's blaming himself. his family is gone and will never be the same. his beautiful little grand-daughter is dead. she was ducktaped and thrown away in a grabage bag. i woud want to kill myself too honestly. this story disgusts me. all i can think about is my little ones and i cannot stand it. i want casey anthony to get a death sentence.


Well-known member
Omg, MAClovin thanks for sharing that, I had no idea.

WOW, as if that family can handle anymore.

My instinct is telling me he is being eaten with denial---he has been brainwashed by Cindy telling him that Casey didn't do anything but it is clear he knows Casey did something. I don't think this is suddenly happening because he "knows" anything more than just deep down knowing his daughter is guilty. I think he is just having trouble accepting that his granddaughter is dead and his daughter is going to spend life in prison. I mean that is a lot to handle, I would probably be suicidal too. I'm just so glad they found him. The fact that he actually began writing a suicide note, he definitely had intentions of probably following through with something. That is horrible. Wow.


Well-known member
This is the saddest story everrrrr. I've been following up on this case since day 1. Little Caylee didn't deserve all that! When are they going to lay her to rest?

RIP little angel


Well-known member
Friday Jan. 23, 2009
4:30 PM ET - Another tragedy strikes today in the Caylee Anthony story. Casey Anthony's father, George Anthony, was reported missing by the family attorney. Urgent 911 calls just released say George Anthony left home with several bottles of medication & some family photos. The Anthony family became increasingly concerned when they started receiving disturbing text messages from George, reportedly saying he did not want to live anymore & he wanted to be with Caylee. Other alleged text messages sent by George Anthony said he wanted to be left alone & wanted to make sure Caylee was in God's arms. Police were able to locate George Anthony inside a motel room where they reportedly found remnants of fast food & beer, blood-pressure medication & other pill jars. Also found inside his car was a 5-page suicide letter indicating he wanted to do harm to himself. George Anthony was taken to a nearby hospital where he is currently under medical & mental evaluation. Stay tuned to Nancy Grace tonight to find out the all the latest, breaking details in the case. (From Rachel Kent, Nancy Grace Producer)

Hmm this is getting strange...


Well-known member
I think he is just feeling helpless as hell.

He knows deep down what his daughter did. And Im sure he blames himself (just like Cindy) for what she has become...


Well-known member
Man we haven't talked about this in awhile...this case is getting weirder by the day...that Casey is a piece of work!!!


Well-known member
I haven't really heard much about this story lately... what's the girl's malfunction now? I mean we all know she's a nutcase, but jeez.. new antics?


Well-known member
Girl it has been on Nancy Grace every night it seems forever.....They released the little girls autopsy reports sad.. She is still sitting in court laughing...etc...She has to be mental.

They said the lil girl had so much duct tape wrapped around her mouth


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Girl it has been on Nancy Grace every night it seems forever.....They released the little girls autopsy reports sad.. She is still sitting in court laughing...etc...She has to be mental.

They said the lil girl had so much duct tape wrapped around her mouth

OMG they released them? I know the lawyers were trying to file motions to stop the results from being made public, even though they would be once the trial starts. Casey deserves the death penealty but she has said that if she is going to get that, she will commit suicide in jail before they can do it to her. Sick!


Well-known member
No her lawyers never filed anything....her parents filed for them to be kept private because they felt it would damage their daughters chances of getting a fair trial and it would be too much pressure for them and it was denied ....


Well-known member
I personally think she did it (Obviously!) and I think her parents know.
Like the grandmother's original statement about her car ... "Smells like a dead body." ... Then later on said it was old pizza. Um, I'm quite sure that those don't have the same smell.

I just hope she doesn't plead insanity or anything. smh. I get tired of people doing that.

But also it's unfortunate that this story gets so much coverage when there are TONS of children missing and they get maybe a minute or two on CNN.