Anyone following the Casey/Caylee Anthony case?


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Originally Posted by Corvs Queen
South Carolina. And it was Susan Smith. She didn't drive them off a cliff. She let her car roll into a lake. Not that it makes it any less horrible but yeah. As a native North Carolinian I just had to say that she was from South Carolina.

I am also a NC native...........does that make me a bad person?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ImMACnificent
I am also a NC native...........does that make me a bad person?

She was from SOUTH Carolina not NC ....not that, that makes it better...But she was just pointing out for the record that she was NOT a native of NC but from SC


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
She was from SOUTH Carolina not NC ....not that, that makes it better...But she was just pointing out for the record that she was NOT a native of NC but from SC

I get that, Im saying does it make me a bad native for not remembering that.


Well-known member
This whole story is just sick. Casey is demented. The death penalty would be far to kind. . . she should get several life sentences in solitary with no chance of parole. EVER.

It would be the ultimate punishment for a narcissitic, self absorbed cow like her.


Well-known member
Now Casey's brother is being investigated.

Other people are now suspecting the meter reader who found the body, as well.

LORD, this story just keeps getting worse and worse.


Well-known member
Yeah they think the Brother and the Meter Reader may have been trying to get the reward money....WOW would that be crazy f that was the case...PEOPLE and MONEY!!


Well-known member
^Seriously, I was just telling my bf last night when I heard her brother may be charged with obstruction of justice or whatever.. this case is going to get a LOT crazier the more details that are released. I'm not sure about the meter reader, although it does seem strange that he knew right where to go and look. But stranger things have happened.. I don't know.

But I SO called it when I said there was something not right about her brother, I just had a feeling. Whether or not he was involved in her death (which I don't really think he did) or was just an accessory after the fact, I always said he struck me as kind of odd.

edit: im gonna quote myself from 12/16
Originally Posted by MACLovin
And I'm gonna put it on the record, her brother rubs me the wrong way, and I think he knows more about what happened than he's saying. There were some weird conversations he had with Casey at the jail where she's staying, and I may be premature in saying this, but he strikes me as suspicious. I'm just sayin'...


Well-known member
^^^ Yeah I was with the meter reader...Untill they said he called in August several times...then called again in December...I would have been calling everyday if I saw a body there in August...knowing they were searching for a little girl anyway ...why would you wait 4 months to call and say ...Hey...why haven't you guys still not went out there...I would have been to upset to just not follow up continuosly....But everyone does not think or react alike I suppose


Well-known member
But are they sure the bag he saw was the actual bag her body was found in? (im talking the one he saw in Aug.).. because he said he saw a white bag, and I could have sworn they found her in like a black garbage bag. So that part is kinda confusing. I'd like to know more details but I suppose that's not going to happen until trial.

The whole situation is really strange


Well-known member
The spot is the same...Not sure about the bag color....That is what leads me to believe someone may have been giving him info to phone in...I guess we will have to wait and see...Strange case


Well-known member
Seriously, WTF.

I mean, yeah there are some suspicious things going on, but it's like this case takes a strange turn every single day.

I REALLY fear that this is going to be an unsolved case, I mean, I think Casey will ultimately be found guilty of murdering Caylee, but I doubt we are going to get a definite answer as to what exactly happened.

I fear that all of these new spins, twists, turns in the case is only going to make it more difficult to 'solve' anything. Now there are two new people that are being investigated, one of them not having anything to do with the family (that we know of, at least).

It's just all getting more and more confusing.


Active member
I REALLY fear that this is going to be an unsolved case, I mean, I think Casey will ultimately be found guilty of murdering Caylee, but I doubt we are going to get a definite answer as to what exactly happened.

I fear that all of these new spins, twists, turns in the case is only going to make it more difficult to 'solve' anything. Now there are two new people that are being investigated, one of them not having anything to do with the family (that we know of, at least).

It's just all getting more and more confusing.

I completely agree.

I just *don't think* she acted completely alone, but she is Narcissistic and thinks very highly of her great abilities.

Just a mystery.
Why can't all these so-called 'psychics' tell us the real story.

We probably will never know the whole trust - at least not from the mother.


Well-known member
I think her parents are in on the whole thing too... ive said it before and ill say it again..... there is no freaking way in HELL... that as a cop- my father would let me and my son go more than a couple HOURS without calling the cops. And there's no way that as a former sheriffe's deputy his instincts didnt kick in and even after a few days he though "there's something going on here..."...

My dad told me you NEVER EVER forget that distinct smell of a dead body- and her dad specifically told them that casey's car smelled like a dead body. Seriously... its fucked up.

Her parents are definetly in on this.


Well-known member
I think the brother may have been involved...I do not personally think the parents were in on the actual killing..I do however think they know she did it at this point and are covering up for her because they don't want to believe it or just out of love for their daughter. It must be a hard situation to be in as parent. We all want to believe our children are good individuals and were raised to do the right thing.