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Baby's on Fire


Well-known member
OMG So this is my very first FOTD! I had planned on doing a tutorial on my transilvanian look for Rocky Horror Picture Show midnight show but it didn't happen this month soo I will make it next month!
Also, my hair is CRAP at the moment but I'm getting a haircut and I will be doing some of it purple!! I'm stoked!!!
Now, let's get on with the tutorial.

Here is what I used:

Prep+Prime eye
Perky p/p
Vanilla pigment
Amber Lights e/s
Orange e/s
Espresso e/s
Blacktrack f/l
Smolder eye kohl
Prep+Prime lash
Almay Intense i-color thickening mascara

Prep+Prime face
Select Cover-up concealer NC35 mixed with...
Studio Fix Fluid NC25
Alpha Girl Beauty Powder
Lightscapade Mineralize Skinfinish

Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer in Radiance
Gemshine Lipgelee

1. Start with a clean & moisturized face! I can't stress this enough to my friends who refuse to moisturize or cleanse their face before makeup!

2. Apply Prep+Prime eye all over lid and up to browbone. This will help the Paint or Paint pot go on smoother.

3. Now take Perky paint pot and apply from lashline up to your browbone with a stiff brush. I used MAC's 242 shader brush.

4. Take that beautiful Vanilla pigment and highlight your browbone. I preffer to do my highlighter first so the crease colour will blend easier.

5. Pat Amber lights e/s to the inner corners.

6. Pack on Orange e/s on the middle of your lid and outer corners bringing just below the crease.

7. And blend the two eyeshadows so there are no harsh lines. I know, it's a bloody mess at the moment but it will look beautiful.

8. Define your crease with Espresso e/s. Blend well.

9. Line upper lashes with Blacktrack f/l.

10. To get super long and thick lashes apply Prep+Prime lash, let it dry for a few seconds and apply several coats of mascara.
(my camera died on me for a few minutes so I skipped the mascara and liner pics)

11. Prime skin with Prep+Prime skin for a smooth base for foundation.

12. Since I get lighter during the winter I am too light for my NC35 foundation, but too dark for NC25 foundation so I mixed a little bit of both to match my skin. I applied it with my 187 brush.

13. Add a little bit of colour with Alpha Girl Beauty Powder.

14. And now add some radiance with Lightscapade MSF! <3 Apply to your cheekbones, temples, chin, and forehead.

15. Just a random pic... I don't know why I took it lol


16. Make sure lips are nice and moisturized before applying any other lip products. I use Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer in Radiance.

17. And the final touch, Gemshine Lipgelee for shiny, juicy lips!

Hope you enjoyed it!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Angel Of Moon
thats beautifull!!
im runing to get the amber lights <3
thnx for the tut.... keep doing more

Thank you
I will keep these tutorials up.
Amber Lights is a gorgeous colour!

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
pretttty! I love it. I broke my amber lights
I definitely need to try to salvage it and pick up some Orange e/s you make it look awesome


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
loved it! thanks a bunch! btw, what is that color your sportin on your nails? It's beautiful!

Thank you! It's called Lola Devine from the Heatherette collection. I love it!