Barbie Makeup


Well-known member
I'm curious to know, are you going to use it (because its embossed/logos) well most of it is... or are you going to keep it boxed up? I thought about getting another set just to have it for collection sake and keep one for use.


Well-known member
Hahaha ok good... its not just me. I was actually debating that last night. I MIGHT buy a 2nd set of the e/s's for use, but I haven't fully decided yet.


Well-known member
I bet you could get a pretty penny for anything Barbie on Ebay after the sell out factor. Look at those MSF's that went for crazy $. I bet Barbie eyeshadows will reach Pretty Twisted status after a while.


Well-known member
hmm I wonder if I'm the only one here, but I just bought one set of e/s that I wanted and I'm planning to use them.


Well-known member
Last night, I jokingly told my friend who was upset that the Barbie doll was sold out online that, when I saw how quickly the tote and doll sold out, my first reaction was, "But doesn't anyone want the eyeshadows?"

What's the point to my story? I'm not a big Barbie person, so for me, as it always is, this is about the makeup. I have a weakness for special packaging, of course, but I think that all you're going to see is a streak of goat hair as my brushes have their way with this stuff.


Well-known member
i bought back-ups and even some items in triplicate. it cost me a pretty penny, but i figure it will be a collector's item one day and i could always sell it and get a pretty penny. but then again i really loved everything i bought and do plan on using most of it. i'm just going to calm down for a while and try to pay off my credit card that MAC makes me max out!!


Well-known member
I order four items from the collection. I don't really know what to expect but out of the twenty MAC items I've bought from online I have only been disapointed with two. So I pretty sure I'll like what I ordered. I actually will use them. I don't see the point of just letting them sit there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreamqueen
I plan to use it. I can't afford 2 sets and it all looks too pretty not to use.

My feelings exactly!


Well-known member
I only ordered duplicates b/c my BF pitched in on the cost ... what I wanted solely for myself cost quite a bit (he only mildly knows this...ahh, $350+yikes!--but I also ordered a few new brushes too

I really truly liked the shades in most of this collection. The multiples I will keep for awhile in their pretty little packaging, if I can avoid using them myself LOL. I too hope that they will be worth something in the near future; I'll probably need to sell the duplicates due to spending too much on this one collection anyways!!


Well-known member
I bought back ups of the things I think I might actually use (Springtime Skipper, MB, both beauty powders), and the singles I'll just hang onto for keepsakes or gifts (or to sell when I'm ass-broke!)


Well-known member
I just got the courage to use my Cranapple l//, Rocking Chick l/s, and Malibu Barbie l/g... the combination is KILLER!!!
I'll be using the rest of my new haul too. I don't want to find out what it looks like/feels like/tastes like when it gets old. I love 'saving' some colors and getting back ups of the stuff I use a lot (like the Disney Tint Toons), but makeup gets old, even the powders, and weird things start happening to your skin when you use something that is old.


Well-known member
personally I am just going to buy 2 of the shadows I would have purchased despite the packaging, depot them, put them in my palette and use those suckers for back2mac


Well-known member
I think I'm going to be using it. Yeah, the logo looks pretty when it's new...but boxed up makeup is pretty worthless, lol.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I was planning on never using my Playful e/s because it’s the closest to in the collection to Barbie Pink (I look dreadful in pink eye shadow anyway).


Well-known member
lol I too was debating to buy a 2nd set of e/s just to keep for later just incase the ebay wars are hunting for them, but sadly I don't have the extra money for that. I could always charge it, but then I'd be paying interest on it there goes the profit in that.

But man I'm afraid to use the e/s too to get rid of the barbie. Oh well


Well-known member
Not if you buy 2!! LOL

Originally Posted by flowerhead
I think I'm going to be using it. Yeah, the logo looks pretty when it's new...but boxed up makeup is pretty worthless, lol.


Well-known member
But man I'm afraid to use the e/s too to get rid of the barbie. Oh well

^ At least they imprinted the image deeply into the powder
! I have tried other LE shadows/blushes before from other companies that simply dusted the image on the powder with shimmer. Also, remember those Sweetie Cake glosses? I was afraid to use mine at first because of the 'frosting' that you need to mess up in order to get the true color. Oh well, such is a MAC fanatic's life!!


Well-known member
*lol* I was thinking of caaaaarefully using just the inside of the image so as to preserve it somehow, but I doubt that'll work, especially w/ mornings... I'll be using it, I can't afford not to!