Bathroom Etiquette


Well-known member

I'm a little surprised that so many people are so weird about completely natural body functions that every living being has as a part of life.

I don't suppose many of you who won't #2 in public are into anal, either. : )

It's just poop. It's not pleasant, but it's just poop. We all do it, and to be so utterly repulsed by anything about your body is just...non-productive, and I'd even go as far as to say "damaging".

This reminds me of the time I pooped and when I looked at it when I got up it really just looked exactly like the statue of the Venus of Willendorf (prehistoric goddess statue, below). I was so amazed, I called in my friend to see.

Should have tried to sell it on ebay!


Love your poo.

(Oh, but yes PLEASE wash your hands!)


Well-known member
spectrolite - oooh, nightclub toilets always get so feral
i don't understand why people at pubs and clubs feel compelled to leave the place in a mess. do they have no manners?

i think the biggest case of horrible toilets is always music festivals though. they get disgusting, to the point where i dread having to go in there because i know how awful it's going to be.

i don't really understand it though. music festival toilets get horrible, but at other large scale events (like the air race in perth) i've often had to use the portaloos and they are nowhere near as bad, even though there are heaps of people using them.

MACATTACK - yeah, that's the downfall of the air freshener. if people don't use it or if they steal it, it doesn't work


Well-known member
lol this is such a funny but universally truthful thread!
it's funny because right now I'm at my futer in-laws and my stomach is killing me and I'm sure it's gas and I probably have to go, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I'll probably suffer until everyone else goes to bed lol. it's so bad...


Well-known member
If not liking to poo in public is "damaging" ship me off to the funny farm. I don't like public restrooms, period.

I also do not wash my hands in public bathrooms. I wait until I leave and then use hand sanitizer. I just figure that the door handle is grosser than anything else, might as well wait until after I've touched it.


Well-known member
If not liking to poo in public is "damaging" ship me off to the funny farm. I don't like public restrooms, period.

Here, here sister!!

True, like many said, it is the bathroom & that's what supposed to go on in there, but a lot of other things brought up in this thread are not normal, or just plain nasty...leaving the toilets unflushed, or other "remnants" on the toilet seat.


Well-known member
I absolutely hate sharing a bathroom with a male co-habitor. Men are just pigs on the toilet, let's face it. Some women are nasty too but overall, men are worse. I hate when there's pee droplets on the seat, or when they leave the seat up. In my current appartment, we have 2 bathrooms - one for me, one for my bf and I can't tell you how much I loooove that!

I hate when women have their periods and are somehow "messy" and there's blood on the seat or in the bowl. Fucking nasty.


Well-known member
I don't Courtesy Flush at home, but I do spray air freshener down into the toilet as I flush when I'm done. That actually cuts down on the odor. Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.

My coworker used to strike a match after she was done.

And, I'm sorry, but whomever said something about dealing with the smell, to each his own. Sometimes my own shit turns my stomach, so yes, smelling someone else's is BAD in my case.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
If not liking to poo in public is "damaging" ship me off to the funny farm. I don't like public restrooms, period.

I also do not wash my hands in public bathrooms. I wait until I leave and then use hand sanitizer. I just figure that the door handle is grosser than anything else, might as well wait until after I've touched it.

Yeah I agree. I absolutely hate gross things, whether its nasty body functions or dirty dishes. If its gross, then it grosses me out, I don't care how normal or natural it is.

And theres been plenty of times where I skipped washing my hands just to use hand sanitizer afterwards. But then I get all grossed out, because I touched the bottle with my dirty hands. how do you sanitize a sanitizer? lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I don't Courtesy Flush at home, but I do spray air freshener down into the toilet as I flush when I'm done. That actually cuts down on the odor. Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.

My coworker used to strike a match after she was done.

And, I'm sorry, but whomever said something about dealing with the smell, to each his own. Sometimes my own shit turns my stomach, so yes, smelling someone else's is BAD in my case.

I don't know about spraying the freshener into the toilet, but I HATE when people spray it all over the toilet seat so that whoever sits down next gets a sticky nasty feeling butt from all the air freshener.


Well-known member
Or when someone has their PERIOD and you can smell it or they don't flush! Thats what my school locker room/ bathroom smells like... poo, sweat, perfume, and period blood. BLUGHRERE

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Also (thinking back to dorm life) if you share a bathroom, PLEASE CLEAN OUT YOUR HAIR FROM THE DRAIN and everything else. No one wants to deal with your hair.

If you have some sort of housekeeper, don't purposely be filthy because someone else will clean it up.

If you don't have shampoo/conditioner/soap, don't just borrow someone else's. If you're truly broke (and none of the cases I know of were from broke folks), ask to borrow, don't just borrow it.

I don't know if I had bad luck in the dorms, but some girls were just really forgetful/nasty/both. Used pads/tampons were found in there (ewww), previously worn clothes including undies, hair, using other people's towels...


Well-known member
One other thing-If we are in a 10 stall bathroom and I am the only ones in there. Don't take a stall immediately next to me. I don't. I take one where there is no one close by if I can help.

YES!!!!! This is a MAJOR pet peeve of mine! If I'm in the very last stall in a line of 12, then guess what? I'm taking a dump and I don't want anyone next to me! Also big on the courtesy flush and can't believe it when people don't do it. Blech.

Whew--feels good to get that out!


Well-known member
Well I wouldn't go as as fas as to say "I don't suppose many of you who won't #2 in public are into anal, either. : ) "

I agree its a natural bodily function, but I rather limit it to a place where I have privacy, can sit on the toilette and I don't have to subject others to the bodily noises and funky odors

I hate public restrooms period, and I never ever touch that door handle with my hands, always with tissue.


Well-known member
When I was a freshman in college, I lived in an all girl dorm, and believe it or not, my floor got fined because someone rubbed SHIT on the wall!!!!

Apparently this happened in the boys dorms as well. WTF?

I work in a non-profit offices building and there are a lot of people who go through there but our bathrooms are pretty good. EXCEPT, people rubbing boogers or some other unidentified stuff on the stall wall. What is the deal??

My fiance works for NASA and he says the old dudes don't care when taking a shit. They grunt, oooh/aaahh, moan, and then...plop plop. No remorse! I would just die laughing (ok..immature yes, but poopies can be HILARIOUS!)

Streaks. Gross. Along with floaters. Uber gross.

I have a friend who I witnessed not washing her hands once while we were in the bathroom. OMG. Talk about icky!


Well-known member
Just a quick question, not being a smartass incase it sounds like it.

But to those of you who just use hand sanitizer, you don't wash at all first? Because I use santizer at work all the time at work too, because seems everyone is always sick and they want to come talk to me, but I always wash with soap and water to remove any 'residue'.
Not that I am a sloppy wiper,lol, but you know.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
Just a quick question, not being a smartass incase it sounds like it.

But to those of you who just use hand sanitizer, you don't wash at all first? Because I use santizer at work all the time at work too, because seems everyone is always sick and they want to come talk to me, but I always wash with soap and water to remove any 'residue'.
Not that I am a sloppy wiper,lol, but you know.....

LoL. Well I'm not sloppy with wiping either, but stuff happens sometimes (it sounds so gross to say that) But if any sloppiness did happen, oh I would most definetly wash first, no matter what.

I'll give an example for you: If I'm somewhere and the bathroom is absolutely disgusting and the sinks were filthy too, I just skip handwashing and use hand sanitizer. I'm usually on my way home anyways and I remember in my mind the whole time to wash my hands when I get home lol. (I really do..I get on my bf about this too, if he ate dinner and then licked his fingers I force him to wash his hands and he cant touch anything until he washes)

So, yes, sometimes I don't wash at all first. But its rare, like I said. usually I wash and use sanitizer afterwards every time.


Well-known member
I avoid public restrooms if at all possible, but I don't courtesy flush (because of what a big water waste it is) unless it's just really rank. At home, bring on the air freshner! People who don't wash their hands just blow my mind (unless it's like the world's most disgusting sink). I wash my hands and then use hand sanitizers. Honestly though there are much more terrifying restroom situations than Western public restrooms... ;p


Well-known member
I don't generally wash my hands in a public restroom unless I need to. Sanitizer is enough for me. I rarely use a public restroom though, so it's kind of a moot point.

I wash my hands at home instead of using sanitizer.